Bermuda grass(Cynodon dactylon)

Bermuda grass(Cynodon dactylon)

Bermuda grass | Cynodon dactylon. Bermuda grass is found lying on the ground in fields like paddy, jute, sugarcane, maize etc. Bermuda grass is a well-known grass. Bermuda grass cannot survive in permanent waterlogged areas. Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass. Its stems are...
Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan

Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan

Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan. Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan is one of the famous Islamic scholars of today. He is famous for his outspoken manner and speaking on contemporary issues. He is a very wise and logical Islamic speaker. Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan. Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan....
Turmeric ‘Curcuma longa’

Turmeric ‘Curcuma longa’

Turmeric ‘Curcuma longa’   Turmeric or Curcuma longa. Almost everyone is familiar with turmeric plant or turmeric spices. Turmeric powder or turmeric paste is a regular part of Bengali’s daily cooking. The original origin of the turmeric plant...
Mimusops elegani flower ‘Spanish cherry’

Mimusops elegani flower ‘Spanish cherry’

Mimusops elegani flower ‘Spanish cherry’   Mimusops elegani flower ‘Spanish cherry’. Mimusops elegani flower is a popular flower, the wandering of this flower can be seen more or less everywhere. Its peculiar aroma fascinates people. Mimusops elegani flower...
Bolster pillow

Bolster pillow

Bolster pillow.   Bolster pillow is a daily necessity. Sleeping with the Bolster pillow under the head while sleeping makes the headache better. Doctors encourage newborns to use the bolster pillow.   What is called Bolster pillow?   Bolster pillow. A...
Areca nut

Areca nut

  Areca nut.   Areca nut is a kind of intoxicating fruit, which produces strong and long lasting intoxication. It is eaten with Betel leaves and lime. It is chewed and eaten for a long time. Playing it matches a bit of peace of mind. It is harmful to the...