Bolster pillow

Bolster pillow

Bolster pillow.   Bolster pillow is a daily necessity. Sleeping with the Bolster pillow under the head while sleeping makes the headache better. Doctors encourage newborns to use the bolster pillow.   What is called Bolster pillow?   Bolster pillow. A...


Window.   A home without windows looks incomplete. Every house have a window. Today, in this post, we will know details about window. Let’s know.     What is window? Window is a things in the house that help people to get enough light, air and...
Importance of windows in a House

Importance of windows in a House

Importance of windows in a House. Importance of windows. Window use for to get fresh air and light in a room. Without window, room is look uncomplete. Generally windows use two or three in a room. But latest must be one. Let’s know the importance of window in a...