Baruahat High School.

Baruahat High School is a High school which is located beside the Baruahat Road, Kaunia, Rangpur. One of the strict security, efficient teachers, most popular High school all over the Kaunia Upazilla. Operate time into the day shifts. This high school is under the Dinajpur Education Board. Age is the high school is 40 years 7 months. This high school was founded in 01-01-1983.

Data Result
Name: Baruahat High School
Institute code (EIIN): 127319
Location: Baruahat Road, Kaunia-5440, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
 High school Area: Average 480 Shotangsho (Shotok).
Building: 2 Building and 2 Tin shed Class Academy.
 Table and Benches: High Seat Benches: 100Low Seat Benches:100


 Number of Teachers: 14
Department of Education: 1. Science.2. Arts.
Number of Employees Employed in the School: 20
Number of the Student: 500
 High School Popularity:  80%

Baruahat High School.

Most Basic Information of Baruahat High School.

Data Result
District school Ranking: 78
Board school Ranking: 314
National School Ranking: 4218
School MPO number is: 9103071301
MPO types: Yes
Recognition Level: Secondary
High School Type: Secondary
Constituency Number: 22
Co- education: Combined
Nickname: 1. Baruahat High School2. BBLHS

3. BHS

In this high school, there are more security measures. The activities of this institution start at 10 AM and end at 4 PM. In between, students get only 30 minutes tiffin break at 1 o’clock. Students have to attend 6 to 8 classes every day. If any student is absent for more than 3 classes or 1 day, fine and strict action will be taken against him on the next day. There are seats here from class 6 to class 10. There is a large pond and a large playground. There are 100 Benches in this High school. Also have a little Garden with a Luxury Mosque. There are about 100 to 120 trees all over the Highschool. Most of them are Mango and seasonal fruits-Tree.

Teacher and Student of the Baruahat High School.

Teacher Number
Headmaster: 01
Assistant teacher: 08
Main Teacher: 05
Assistant Head master: 01

Totall teacher is 14. Now, 13 teachers are always present in the school. All teachers are skilled and experienced. The teachers in this institution do not skip classes. The most popular teacher is Saiful Islam. Headmaster was Shah Aowlad Hossain. Who is now Dead. There are 450 Student in this High School. Average 20% student are Rich, 50% are Middle class and 30% are Poor Student into the Highschool. Average 40% student are Male and 60% student are female. Boy’s are most intelligent and brilliant from Girls into this High School.

Main Teacher list of this High School.

Serial Main Teacher Name
01 Md Saiful Islam
02 Ummay Asma Howa
03 Protima Rani Ray
04 Mir Mst Sayeda Khatun
05 Md Lokman Ali Siraji

Assistant Teacher’s list of this High School.

Serial Assistant Teacher name
01 Md Sadrul Islam(Retired)
02 Md Mozibar Rahman
03 Most Hasna Hena
04 Ashutos Kumar
05 Md.badsha Habib
06 Suman Sankar Singah
07 Md.jahangir Alam
08 Abdul Hamid Mia( Dead)

Also have two assistant teacher: RM Kaderi Kibria and Gita Rani. Both of them are now transferred into another Institute.

Stuffs of the High school.

Serial Stuff Name
01 Md. Jahangir Al
02 Md Nurul Amin
03 Md. Abdul Matin
04 Mst Halima Khatoon
05 Md Shahidur Rahman
06 Most. Ayesha Siddika
07 Md. Rayhan Mia

Rules and Regulations of Baruahat High School.

1. Students are not allowed to enter the school with electronic devices. Like Phone, Computer, Tablet etc.

2. Must be enter with Uniform and Dress.

3. Student cannot skip any class.

4. Teacher and student must be helpful mind.

5. No Ragging are allowed in this high school.

6. Student can’t do any Misbehave or Spam activities into the Highschool.

7. Girls and boy’s can’t to any love Relationship or something bad. But they can do any Group Study.

8. You can’t eat any fruits or vegetables from the High school’s Garden. If you want, you have to take permission.

9. You have to maintain Time and Class routine properly.

10. You have to provide and show full respect to your Class teacher’s or your Classmates.

11. You can’t enter your pet into this Highschool, when class will be run.

12. You have to be stay with neat and clean Dress.

Popularity of the Baruahat High School.

There are about 12 to 15 villages people like to read and write in this high school. Most popular SEO specialist Md Samiul Hasan was the student of this High School. In this high school, evergreen place with update learning system that’s why popularity of this high school is high. Every years, the percentage of the passing student is 90% and highest GPA 30%. It’s now totally hard security and Ragging free High school.

Aim of the Baruahat High School.

1. Baruahat Highschool will be one of the top highschool all over the Rangpur district.

2. All the poor student will be get Extra support and scholarship from government.

3. Highschool will be 100% passing Rate.

Photo Gallery of the Baruahat High School.

Baruahat High School

Baruahat High School

Academic Building of the Baruahat High School

Academic Building of the Baruahat High School.

Playground field of the Baruahat Highschool

Playground field of the Baruahat Highschool.

Baruahat Highschool

Baruahat Highschool.

Class Room of the Baruahat High School

Class Room of the Baruahat High School.

Digital Lab of the Baruahat High School

Digital Lab of the Baruahat High School.

Established Time and Certificate of the Baruahat High school

Established Time and Certificate of the Baruahat High school.

Frequently Asked Question About the Baruahat High School.

1. Where is located Baruahat High School ?

Answer: Baruahat High School is a High school which is located beside the Baruahat Road, Kaunia, Rangpur.

2. How many teachers and student have in Baruahat High school?

Answer: In 2023, there are 13 teacher and 450 student all over the Highschool. Headmaster is dead.

3. Is Baruahat Highschool is eligible for standard Study ?

Answer: Yes. Totally Evergreen and Ragging free Highschool. Standard Teachers.

4. How many class have Baruahat High school ?

Answer: Class Six to Class Ten.

5. Who is the most helpful Teacher into the Baruahat High School ?

Answer: Md Saiful Islam is the most popular and helpful mind teacher all over the Baruahat High School.

This Information Provider,

Md Saiful Islam

Main Teacher of the Baruahat High School.

13 August, 2023.

Kaunia College, Kaunia, Rangpur

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