ABOUT US: Back to school youth initiative group.
Back to school youth initiative group is a community based youth led membership organization situated in Kabwe Zambia.
BTSYIG (Back to school youth initiative group) was founded in 2022 by Fredrick Zuluand a group of passionate youth volunteers,responding to the need for educational support, Gender equality, Youth Inclusion in decision making process, Climate Justice and other opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Kabwe and Zambia at large.
The organization is registered with registra of society in accordance with the laws of Zambia.
- President/Chief Executive Director.
- Vice President/Assistant Director.
- Human Resource Manager.
- Assistant Human Resource Manager.
- Resource Mobilization Manager.
- Assistant Resource Mobilization Manager.
- Finance and Admin Manager.
- Finance Officer.
- Safeguarding Coordinator.Assistant.
- Safeguarding Coordinator.
- Assistant Finance Officer.
- M&L Coordinator.
- Program Manager.
- Assistant Program Coordinator.
- Procurement Coordinator.
- Production Unit coordinator.
- Volunteers (tutors,mentors, trainers).
PURPOSE: Back to school youth initiative group.
To reduce the number of school dropouts, unemployment, inequalitiesin decision making and sexualreproductive health risks.
MOTTO: Back to school youth initiative group.
We are building a generation of potential leaders.

AIM of Our Organization.
To enable young people realize their life potential through education, life skills, participation in the decision making process and amplifying young people’s voice on sexual reproductive health rights.
MISSION of the Organization.
To unite all youths to effectively access quality education,participate in the decision making process, serve in social, economic, cultural and talents activities thus to improve the youth standard of living.
- After-school tutoring and mentoring.
- Life skills training (leadership,entrepreneurship, health).
- Donate a pad project.
- Community outreach and engagement.
- Readmitting School Drop outback to school.
- Championing Gender Equality.
- Education as a fundamental right.
- Empowerment through skills development.
- Inclusivity and diversity.Community engagement and participation.
- Transparency and accountability.
- Gender Equality.
- Climate Justice.
We provide creative and innovative youth mentorship platforms to stimulate mindset change and progression with a shared vision, resources and values in order for youth to claim their space insocial, economic and community development.
Youth aged 12-25 in Kabwe,including orphans, vulnerable children, and those from low income families.
Funded by Individual Memberscontributions , CDF grant, and community support.
Annual budget: ZMW 250,000(approx. USD 12,500)
- Supported over 500 in school girls with free sanitary pads though the Donate a pad project.
- We have managed to support 5 young people to be re-enrolled back to School and recommended 3 young girls to access higher education on 100% Scholarship.
- Established partnerships with the Ministry of Education to work in local schools and community organizations.
- On 13 March 2023, We managed to organize one Entrepreneurship Summit , which brought together over 500 youths and 10 Entrepreneurs as GuestSpeakers.
- We have managed to venture into income generating activities in order to sustain our organization such as construction of a chicken run.
- We have managed to conduct outreach programs in 8 schools in Kabwe such as: Kang’omba Secondary School, Makululu C Primary School, Kalonga Secondary School, Kakama Primary School, Boces School, Katondojust to mention a few.
Address: Plot number Kam 101/6B Kamushanga,Kabwe Town
Phone: +260 979481803
Email: backtoschoolyouth2022@gmail.com
Social Media: Back to school youth initiative group(Facebook).
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