Areca nut.
Areca nut is a kind of intoxicating fruit, which produces strong and long lasting intoxication. It is eaten with Betel leaves and lime. It is chewed and eaten for a long time. Playing it matches a bit of peace of mind. It is harmful to the body. Playing betel leaves many diseases and physical problems in the body. It is a nut fruit. Betel or Areca nut leaves have only one seed and only one seedling.
Discovery of Areca nut.
The another name of the Areca nut is Betel nut. It has a long history in South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Basin. Let’s know clearly.
In Guam and other Pacific islands, its use was discovered about 2,000 years ago. This practice has been going on for generations. Betel nut is eaten by 10-20 percent of the world’s population.
Betel nut is also grown in coastal areas within 400 kilometers (250 miles) from the coastline and in some non-coastal states of India. Areca catechu, a tropical crop, is also known as betel nut in Bangladesh. This Areca nut is a very popular crop and fruit in Bangladesh.
In the Indian subcontinent, Austronesian traders from Sumatra, Java, and the Malay Peninsula began chewing betel with betel at about 3,500 BP, through initial contact with Dravidian-speaking people in Sri Lanka and South India. This is how betel nut was introduced
Another statement said,
In Cambodia, the first evidence of betel chewing is about 2,400 to 2,200 BP. It spread to Thailand at 1,500 BP, based on archaeological evidence. In this way, the circulation of betel fruit gradually increased and spread all over the world.
What does Areca nut look like?
It can look different shapes. Especially more round. It is seen in many other forms, including the ovoid form. The fruit is an ovate drupe up to 5 cm long, orange when ripe, hard fibrous endocarp and a single seed, commonly called almond.
Size and size of Areca nut .
The fruit is ovoid up to 5 cm long.
Rules for eating Areca nut.
Few people just chew betel nut. However, most people drink betel nut and mix it with lime. Chew it after meals and if desired. People use betel nut as astringent, stimulant and anthelmintic.
Powdered betel, at the rate of 10 or 15 grains every three or four hours, is effective in diagnosing diarrhea caused by weakness. Chewing dried sapari gives peace of mind. Young betel leaves cause damage to the body and cause ulcers in the body.
Scientific names and analysis.
The scientific name is Areca catechu.
Several varieties of Areca nut.
Arec, Aréca, Areca catechu, Areca Nut, Areca Palm, Arecanut Palm, Arquier, Betel Nut, Betel Quid, Betelnut Palm, Bing Lang, Chique de Bétel, Gubak, Noix de Bétel, Nuez de Areca, Nuez de Betel, Palmier d ‘Arec, Palmier à Bétel, Palmier à Canne Jaune, Palmier Doré, Pinag, Pinang Palm, Pinlag, Poogiphalam, Puga, Supari, Tantusara.
Uses and Demands of Areca nut.
In 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified Areca nuts (Areca catechu) as carcinogenic for humans. This means that chewing betel nut can cause cancer, although no tobacco or magnesium carbonate is added to the betel nut content.
Areca nut is widely used to arouse emotions. It is also used as an astringent. In Ayurveda, betel is used in the treatment of biliary diseases and in the treatment of phlegm, anemia and obesity.
Advantages and disadvantages of betel nut.
Areca nut is used in making medicines. Areca nuts are chewed alone or in the form of quids, a mixture of tobacco, powdered or chopped erica nuts, and slaked lime wrapped in “betel” vine (Piper beetle) leaves.
Areca is used to treat a mental disorder called schizophrenia and an eye disorder called glaucoma; As a mild stimulant; And as a digestive aid.
Some people use Areca as a recreational drug because it speeds up the central nervous system (CNS).
In veterinary medicine, arrack extract is used to remove tapeworms from cattle, dogs and horses; Emptying the intestines of animals; And for the treatment of colic in the intestines of horses.
Areca is thought to affect chemicals in the brain and other parts of the central nervous system.
Schizophrenia. Preliminary research suggests that betel may be helpful for schizophrenia. Some patients with schizophrenia who chew betel nut seem to have less severe symptoms.
Stroke. Preliminary research suggests that taking a solution containing betel nut extract may improve speech, strength, and bladder function in people who have had a stroke.
Glaucoma. Helps in digestion.
Other conditions.
Further evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of betel for this use.
Extensive databases of natural medicine rate efficacy based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: effective, potentially effective, possibly effective, possibly ineffective, potentially ineffective, and insufficient evidence for rate (details of each ratings).
Harmful side of Areca nut.
Not enough is known about the safety of taking betel nut with short-term mouthwash. However, long-term or high doses of betel nut may be considered unsafe. With some chemical cancer of betel nut added.
Eating 8-30 grams of betel can cause death. Chewing betel leaves can make your face, lips and stools red. It can cause similar stimulant effects to caffeine and tobacco use. It can cause more serious side effects including vomiting, diarrhea, gum problems, increased saliva, chest pain, abnormal heartbeat, low blood pressure, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, heart attack, coma and death.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is unsafe for anyone to eat betel nut by mouth due to concerns about cancer and toxicity. But pregnant and breastfeeding women have an additional risk. Superi can affect the central nervous system and it can endanger pregnancy. Chemicals in betel nuts can enter breast milk and harm the breastfed baby. Stay safe and avoid using betel if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Asthma: Betel can make asthma worse.
Slow heartbeat (bradycardia): betel nut can reduce heart rate. This can be a problem for people who already have a slow heartbeat.
Gastrointestinal tract blockage: Supari can cause “inertia” in the intestines. It can cause problems for people with intestinal obstruction.
Ulcers: Betel can increase secretion in the stomach and intestines. There are concerns that it could make ulcers worse.
Lung condition: Betal can increase fluid excretion in the lungs. There are concerns that it may worsen lung conditions, such as asthma or emphysema.
Convulsions: There are concerns that betel nut may increase the risk of convulsions.
Urinary tract obstruction: Betel nut can increase urinary excretion. There are concerns that it could worsen urinary incontinence.
Dry Drugs (Anticholinergic Drugs) Interaction Rating: Be careful with this combination in moderation. Talk to your healthcare provider.
Betel nuts contain chemicals that can affect the brain and heart. Some drying drugs can also affect the brain and heart. But betel nut works differently than drying medicine. Beetroot can reduce the effects of drying drugs.
Some of these dry medicines include atropine, scopolamine and some medicines used for allergies (antihistamines), and for depression (antidepressants).
Medications for Alzheimer’s disease (acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) inhibitors) Interactions Rating: Be careful with this combination of medium. Talk to your healthcare provider.
Betel leaves can increase certain chemicals in the brain, heart and other parts of the body. Some of the drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s also affect these chemicals. Taking betel nut with medicine for Alzheimer’s disease may increase the effects and side effects of the drug used for Alzheimer’s disease.
Medications for Depression (MAOIs) Interaction Rating: Medium Beware of this combination. Talk to your healthcare provider.
Betel nut can increase the amount of chemicals in the brain. This chemical is called serotonin. Some medications used for depression increase serotonin. Eating betel nut with these antidepressants can cause high levels of serotonin. It can cause serious side effects including heart problems, shivering and anxiety.
Some of these medications used for depression include phenylalanine (Nordil), tranylcypropine (Parnet) and others.
Procyclidine Interaction Rating: Be careful with this combination in moderation. Talk to your healthcare provider.
Procyclidine can affect body chemicals. Betel nut can also affect body chemicals. But betel has the opposite effect of procyclidine. Taking betel nut with procyclidine may reduce the effectiveness of procyclidine.
Various drugs (cholinergic drugs) used for glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions Interactions Rating: Be careful with this combination in moderation. Talk to your healthcare provider.
Betel nuts contain a chemical that affects the body. This chemical is similar to some medicines used for glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions. Taking betel nut with these drugs may increase the chances of side effects.
Some of these drugs used for glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions include pylocarpine (Pilocar and others), Donepezil (Arisept), Tacrin (Cognac) and others.
Try to adhere to all the above information and understand everything after seeing and hearing then you start eating betel nut I think it is much more than a benefit so I think it is right to take steps to understand.
Market demand of Areca nut.
The demand for betel in the market is huge. The price of 60 betel nuts is 4 to 5 American Dollars.
What is it used for?
Areca nuts are not a local crop in India. It is generally considered native to Malaysia or the Philippines where it grows in a variety of species. It is a tropical crop that grows from the West Indies on the east coast of Africa and in Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka and Malaya. [1] [2] The practice of chewing yarn is responsible for Vietnam and Malaysia. It was from Southeast Asia that the crop spread to Asia and India where it is a cash crop is cultivated as sol. It is assumed that ancient Indian literature provided information on betel nut and its brain. In Indian Ayurvedic texts, almonds have been mentioned as a traditional medicine.
Its use in India has been mentioned since pre-Vedic times and was described by the word tambul in ancient Indian civilization. It is widely used in Hindu rituals of births, marriages, weddings and is also given as a sign of hospitality to guests. It is offered to the deities in the form of Betel leaves, with a thread placed on top of the two beers.
Areca nuts are widely used as masticators in South and Southeast Asian counties, chewed with or without drink. However, it has a special ethnic-religious significance in India.
In how many ways is Areca nut stored?
Betel is stored in two ways.
1. Put it on the ground:
The ripe betel is filled with sack and put on the ground. Then after 6 months it was picked up and marketed. It contains betel nut for 6 months.
2. In the cold storage:
Ripe betel leaves should be kept in cold storage. Due to the cold, betel leaves stay good for 6 to 8 months.
Areca nut tree.
Another catechu is a medium-sized tree, up to 20 meters (66 feet) tall, with a trunk 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) in diameter. The leaves are 1.5-2 m (4.9-6.6 ft) long, with peanuts, numerous, crowded leaflets.

Areca nut tree
Place of origin of betel nut.
Betel nut is one of the major commercial crops of India which is mainly cultivated in Kerala, Assam, Karnataka, Tripura, Maharashtra and West Bengal. Apart from India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia and Myanmar are the top producers of betel.
Introduction about Areca nut tree.
There are two varieties of nuts in India, which are also called Supari in Hindi. One is white and the other is red. White erca nuts are made by collecting fully ripe nuts and then drying them in the sun for about 2 months. In the red variety, green nuts are cut, boiled and then the husk is removed. Sometimes Areca nut is even roasted in the ground for fermentation to enhance the flavor which is called “mojha tamul” in Assam.
Areca nuts are the seeds of Areca palm, which grows in the tropical Pacific Ocean, Southeast and South Asia, and parts of East Africa. It is commonly called betel nut, not to be confused with the betel leaf that is often used to wrap it. Consumption has many harmful effects on health and it is carcinogenic for humans. Various compounds present in nuts, including ercolin, contribute to histological changes in the oral mucosa. It is known to be a major risk factor for oral and esophageal cancer. Like chewing tobacco, its use is discouraged by preventive efforts. The use of millions of people worldwide – mainly with origins in South and East Asia – has been described as a “neglected global public health emergency”.
Betel nut cultivation.
The area under almond cultivation in 1990-91 was 208,400 hectares (515,000 acres) and production was 249,300 tons. Its production in 2013-14 was 729,810 tons from an area of 445,000 hectares (1,100,000 acres). Karnataka, which leads the country in its production, produced 4,57,560 tons from an area of 218,010 hectares (538,700 acres). State-wise area and production details for the ten states are given in the table.
As a marine species, Areca nuts grow up to 400 kilometers (250 miles) inland at an altitude of 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) below the Indian coast. But its yield at high altitudes is not profitable. Extreme climatic conditions, characteristic of temperature, are not conducive to its growth; It develops in regions with a temperature range of 14-36 ° C (57-97 F). It also grows in Kerala and West Bengal where temperatures vary from a minimum of 4 ° C (39 ° F) to a maximum of 40 ° C (104 ° F). Good rainfall conditions are essential for its growth, say, more than 2,250 millimeters (89 inches) of annual rainfall. It can grow up to 4,000 millimeters (160 inches) in precipitation in well-drained soils. Where rainfall is low, such as in Tamil Nadu, irrigation facilities are mandatory for rainfall of about 750 mm (30 inches). The need for sunshine during the process of drying whole fruits or processed nuts varies from 7 to 45 days.
The tree grows in well-drained, deep loamy soils. Laterite, red loam and polymer are considered the most suitable. Extensive application of organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers is required to achieve good yields.
The gestation period of Areca nuts varies from four to eight years. Its lifespan is up to 60 years and in some cases up to 100 years. Pollination occurs under the influence of wind. The tree has small creamy white flowers with a pungent odor. The fruit grows to a ripe stage in about 8 months. The tree bears bunches of fruit which are picked manually.
Diseases of Areca almond tree are: bud-rot, mahali (fruit-rot), yellow leaf disease, which need to be treated with chemical spray.
Irrigation is an essential requirement (once a week) in addition to land drainage throughout the year. Irrigation water is drawn from rivers or wells using pump sets.
The chemical composition of Areca nuts contains 14 to 15% fat, polyphenols, tannins, alkaloids, polysaccharides, small amounts of protein and vitamin B6 and vitamins C stays. Extracted fats are formed using organic solvents. Mastic acid and its by-products. The fat is mixed with a certain proportion of cocoa butter or coconut oil, which is then used to make confectionery and dairy products.
Polyphenol (tannin) content varies from 38 to 47% in soft nuts and 15 to 22% in ripe nuts. Tannin, which is extracted from nuts, is also used in food and in the leather industry as a natural dyeing agent. Other minor constituents of Areca nut alkaloids account for about 1.6% of the total weight of nuts, including arecolein, arecolodine, arecadein, guvasin, isoguvacin, and govacolidine; The pharmacological and other uses of these alkaloids are “antihelminthic, ophthalmic, antibacterial, anti-diabetic.
Areca husk is used to make many industrial products such as hardboard, insulating wool, cushions, paper, paper board and activated carbon. The chemical composition of Areca bran contains 18.75% furaldehyde which, when diluted, produces 5.5% furafural; It yields xylitol.
Areca leaf sheets are used to make plywood. Other miscellaneous uses of leaf sheaths include making hats, bowls, palm wine containers, and artefacts.
In the past, planters practiced intercropping to secure themselves economically, as the gestation period of Areca almond trees was very long before the almond harvest began. It was also subject to plant diseases and pests. Natural disasters and inaccessible places have also added to the problem. However, with the improvement of management practice, with better marketing facilities and better infrastructure and cooperatives, less intercropping is practiced.
Areca nuts are cultivated according to farm management method after studying different cost concepts. Expenses include the cost of hired human labor and the cost of hired and owned animal labor. The cost of labor is high as nuts are harvested five to six times a year.
The Areca almond tree grows as a single stem and is usually about 30 meters (98 feet) tall. The fruit, which carries nuts, is orange in color and has the shape of an egg or oval; It holds a solid single seed.
Areca nut.
The Philippines and Nicobar Islands are known as centers for betel production. Different types have been described. There are differences in the size and shape of the fruit. The plant is very sensitive to drought and usually needs irrigation in areas with less than 1250 mm of annual rainfall. It can be grown in a variety of soils, but clay loam seems to be preferred. The weather is favorable for betel cultivation in most parts of Bangladesh. The total area under crops is estimated at about 36,500 hectares. The average yield per acre is about 3.45 MT and total annual production is about 26,500 MT. It also grows in home gardens in urban and rural areas.
The size and shape of the betel tree.
Betel (Areca nut) long, luscious Asiatic betel fruit, another chewed with ketchup, lime and betel (betel leaf). The tree is slender, erect, has a smooth stem up to 30 m tall and a crown of large peanut leaves 1-2 m long.
Use of Areca nut tree.
The basic science behind the use of bamboo, coconut wood / palm tree wood and betel tree for pile foundation is that when these woods are in constant contact with water / salt water, the natural seasoning of this wood will be completed. These are after the natural seasoning is over.
Bamboo, coconut wood, palm wood and betel tree wood will be stronger and will not be damaged for the next 80 to 125 years as it stays away from pests. Any wood can be used for piling. Since the woods mentioned above are not straightforward in nature and expensive, since the Stone Age, people have been using these woods in the Pile Foundation Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Cochin and Allapi / Alapuzha districts, we see much lower cost bridges across rivers and backwaters. Coconut tree / palm tree as support pillar from water (hammering at maximum depth in hard ground) and bamboo for wooden planks and hand railings on bridge.
Arakanat can be used in the rubber industry as well as in the paint industry, says BR Gurumurthy, an Areca scientist. Raw yarn is rich in tannins, a chemical compound.
Coconut wood, palm wood and betel tree wood can also be used for pile foundation. All the bridge construction companies in our country are using these pilings in river and sea as support for bridge construction. This wood pile is economical for the construction of Cofferdam.
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the environment of this plant.
This plant absorbs carbon dioxide, which is very beneficial to our environment and releases the oxygen that we humans inhale, and it releases large amounts of oxygen, which helps maintain the balance of our environment.
How are the roots of the Areca nut tree?
The tops of these trees are mostly above the ground and fall very deep into the ground, so this work is more likely to be easily blown away by wind or excess air and fall. The space is not wide. Due to which it does not spread over much soil. So it is more likely to break easily.
The leaves of the betel tree.
The leaves of this tree are long and begin to color the leaves of the tree are green. After a few months the leaves of this tree fall off with Ritu.
The whole leaf falls off the tree and new leaves sprout which makes it more attractive to look at.
Areca nut flowers.
Betel fruits are small, white. Weight 3 to 5 grams. Flowers stay fresh for 10 days. After that the result becomes. A bunch of flowers has about 250 to 300 flowers. The result is pollination. Air or bee pollination occurs.
Do you know?
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Let’s know about Juliet Rose flower.
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