Shady Elegance: Exploring the Features and Uses of Terminalia Catappa.

Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae, native to Asia, Australia, the Pacific and Madagascar. Common names in English include country almond, Indian almond, Malabar almond, sea almond, tropical almond, beach almond and false kamani. Indian-almond ( scientific name : Terminalia catappa ) is the fruit seed of a large tree.

The tree is called Indian-almond tree after the name of the seed. It is a tree of the Combretaceae family of leadwood growing in equatorial regions. Inside the juicy fruit of this plant are several seeds 3-4 cm long, which are taken out of the ripe fruit and eaten directly or fried. These seeds are known as kathbadam. The seeds have a nutty flavor. Terminalia catappa almonds are also known as Indian almonds all over the world. Almost everyone loves to eat peanuts. However, many people believe that peanuts cause weight gain.

Did you know, regular peanuts on the reverse diet help you lose weight?

Peanuts are an excellent snack food.

Terminalia catappa.

Terminalia catappa. Indian-almond contain vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, iron and magnesium. Rich in nutrients, this nut removes constipation, reduces respiratory problems, reduces the risk of heart disease, and removes anemia. It is good for hair and skin. According to experts, eating a handful of almonds every day will help you get these benefits. Benefits of Almonds:

Terminalia catappa help enhancing brain performance.

Nutrients in walnuts help maintain good brain health. These Indian-almond contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, two essential nutrients for the brain. Both of these ingredients increase brain function. It helps prevent dementia. Eating 4-6 soaked almonds daily improves brain function. Peanuts play a special role as a source of beneficial fats needed by the body. Indian-almond are one of the most important foods for the intellectual development of growing children. In addition, the possibility of Alzheimer’s is also less.


Indian-almond help to preventing of cancer.

Walnuts help prevent colon cancer. It also works to keep the colon healthy.Heart health

is good by eating soaked nuts regularly. Indian-almond contain a lot of beneficial elements like protein, potassium, magnesium etc. Which helps in increasing the performance of the heart. Vitamin-E in it reduces the risk of heart disease and magnesium helps prevent heart attacks. It protects the arteries from harmful inflammation. Eating almonds regularly keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%.

Indian-almond help regulate insulin levels , preventing diabetes . Studies have shown that eating peanuts after a meal helps reduce insulin levels.

Terminalia catappa Controls high blood pressure.

Phosphorus in peanuts helps in controlling high blood pressure. The sodium contained in it regulates blood pressure fluctuations.

Along with that, the body needs extra calories and the possibility of weight gain decreases. It also helps in weight control by increasing the metabolic rate.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels Peanuts reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body. If you include almonds in your daily diet, you don’t have to worry about heart health anymore. In fact, several active ingredients present in almonds increase the level of good cholesterol in the body.

As a result, the level of bad cholesterol naturally starts to decrease. Nuts are also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, including omega-6 fatty acids. But there are no trans fats. As a result, there is less risk of heart attack or stroke.Keeps bones and teeth healthy.

Phosphorus is also very effective in preventing the development of age-related bone and tooth problems.

the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa

the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa

Nutrient Deficiency of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

Remedies Almonds contain about 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat along with vitamin E, manganese, vitamin B2, phosphorus and magnesium. All these elements are necessary to keep the body healthy.reduces constipation.

Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa increase Cell Power of human body.

Vitamin E present in almonds increases the cell performance in every corner of the body and also takes care to prevent any damage in the body. As a result, it does not have any effect on the body despite the increase in age.

Indian-almond Increase body energy.

Eating a handful of almonds daily helps to increase energy in the body. Manganese, copper and riboflavin in it provide energy to the body. It also helps in better metabolism.

Groundnut is an alkaline food that boosts immunity. It helps in boosting immunity. It contains vitamin-E which is a very powerful antioxidant. They protect the body from various diseases.There are few people who do not like nuts. Some, however, avoid nuts because of allergies. Peanuts are usually eaten more. Now many people like to eat Indian-almond too.


Benefits of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

1. Nutmeg helps to increase our intellectual power.

2. Monounsaturated fat, protein and potassium keep the heart healthy.

3. Helps to control blood sugar.

4. You can eat peanuts to lose weight.

5. Helps control cholesterol.

6. Provides energy to the body.

7. Groundnut has a role in preventing cancer.

8. Almond oil helps to nourish the skin.

9. Regular consumption of peanuts should be done after menopause. Because it contains calcium.

10. Constipation is removed by eating nuts.


Disadvantages of the Indian-almond or terminalia catappa.

1. Gas, acidity problems are seen due to consumption of peanuts many times.

2. Eating more peanuts leads to weight gain.

3. Many times the amount of toxins in the body increases.

4. People with allergy problems may be aggravated by consuming peanuts.

Benefits of peanuts.

1. A study by the University of Florida found that peanuts are rich in antioxidants, which protect against cancer and heart damage.

2. Peanuts are high in protein, which helps in body building.

3. Prevents the risk of diabetes.

4. It contains high amount of niacin, which protects body cells . Consuming too much peanuts can lead to heartburn and acidity.

2. If you have stomach problems, you should not eat peanuts.

3. People with nut allergy should avoid peanuts.



What are the types of nuts?

Many types of almonds come to mind when talking about how many types of almonds there are, but generally there are four types of almonds. Tree nuts, Chinese nuts, Pistachio nuts, Cashew nuts. There are also many types of nuts available in the market. which are rich in different vitamins and proteins and have different tastes.Nutritional value of Nuts and its benefits


These four types of nuts have different nutritional properties and these nutrients are beneficial for our body.


Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

There are 161 calories, 5.9 grams of protein, and 13.8 grams of fat per ounce of walnuts. Calories provide energy to our body and protein builds the body. Almonds also contain 37 percent vitamin E, which is an essential nutrient that acts as an antioxidant inside the body.



There are 161 calories, 4.6 grams of carbohydrates, 7.1 grams of protein, and 13.6 grams of fat per ounce of Chinese almonds. These elements are necessary to keep our body healthy. 4.6 mg of iron and 3.3 mg of zinc present in Chinese almonds which help to keep us healthy.


Pistachio Nuts:-


Per ounce of pistachios contains 159 calories, 7.8 g carbohydrates, 5.7 g protein, 2.9 g fiber, 12.49 g fat, vitamin B6 – 24% RDI. B6 plays an important role in the body’s energy metabolism.

Cashew nuts are mainly imported from Vietnam and Nigeria. Food made from this nut is very delicious in China. Studies have shown that cashew nuts reduce the incidence of diabetes. Also prevents heart disease, keeps blood pressure under control and improves hair beauty. Eating a handful of cashew nuts daily prevents cancer.Benefits of different types of nuts for health – Benefits of different types of nuts for health.

Studies have shown that people who eat almonds regularly live longer. Nuts have qualities that keep life always joyful.Side effects of nuts


We all know that dry fruits are rich in various nutrients, as well as contain a lot of fiber, although fiber is needed for digestion. But when we eat too much without eating certain amount, some problems occur in our body.

  • Abdominal bloating.
  • Stomach gas
  • Diarrhea problem.
  • Some nuts cause allergy problems.
  • Health may deteriorate.

So in today’s article you will know the types of almonds and their qualities. So add it to your diet from today but be careful in small amounts. Mind it, Excess amounts can be harmful to your health.


Importance of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

The Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa removes anemia, keeps the respiratory system in order, removes constipation, reduces the risk of heart disease. It is also very important for hair and skin. As peanuts contain vitamin A, it keeps the skin of the human body bright and fresh. The nutritive value of tree nuts is beneficial for human aging. Almost everyone loves to eat peanuts. However, many people believe that peanuts cause weight gain.

Nuts contain vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, iron and magnesium. Rich in nutrients, this nut removes constipation, reduces respiratory problems, reduces the risk of heart disease, and removes anemia. It is good for hair and skin. According to experts, eating a handful of almonds every day will help you get these benefits. Benefits of Almonds: Enhancing brain performance

Nutrients in walnuts help maintain good brain health. These nuts contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, two essential nutrients for the brain. Both of these ingredients increase brain function. It helps prevent dementia. Eating 4-6 soaked almonds daily improves brain function. Peanuts play a special role as a source of beneficial fats needed by the body. Peanuts are one of the most important foods for the intellectual development of growing children. In addition, the possibility of Alzheimer’s is also less.


The Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa control Heart health.

is good by eating soaked nuts regularly. Because peanuts contain a lot of beneficial elements like protein, potassium, magnesium etc. Which helps in increasing the performance of the heart. Vitamin-E in it reduces the risk of heart disease and magnesium helps prevent heart attacks. It protects the arteries from harmful inflammation. Eating almonds regularly keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%.

Peanuts help regulate insulin levels , preventing diabetes . Studies have shown that eating peanuts after a meal helps reduce insulin levels.Controls high blood

pressure Phosphorus in peanuts helps in controlling high blood pressure. The sodium contained in it regulates blood pressure fluctuations.


Weight control aids.

appetite reduction after eating almonds. As a result, the tendency to overeat is reduced. Along with that, the body needs extra calories and the possibility of weight gain decreases. It also helps in weight control by increasing the metabolic rate.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels Peanuts reduce.

bad cholesterol levels in the body. If you include almonds in your daily diet, you don’t have to worry about heart health anymore. In fact, several active ingredients present in almonds increase the level of good cholesterol in the body. As a result, the level of bad cholesterol naturally starts to decrease. Nuts are also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, including omega-6 fatty acids. But there are no trans fats. As a result, there is less risk of heart attack or stroke.Keeps bones and teeth healthy

Phosphorus, minerals and vitamins in walnuts protect bones and teeth. Phosphorus not only strengthens bones and teeth but also helps prevent osteoporosis. Phosphorus has many effects on the health and stability of bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also very effective in preventing the development of age-related bone and tooth problems.


Nutrient Deficiency.

Remedies Almonds contain about 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat along with vitamin E, manganese, vitamin B2, phosphorus and magnesium. All these elements are necessary to keep the body healthy.Almond fiber is good for the body as it reduces constipation . The presence of this fiber along with arginine and healthy fats is very important in cardiovascular disease patients. Constipation problems are reduced by eating fiber rich foods.


Increases Cell Power.

Vitamin E present in almonds increases the cell performance in every corner of the body and also takes care to prevent any damage in the body. As a result, it does not have any effect on the body despite the increase in age.

Groundnut is a very useful food seed. It cannot be overstated how rich the quality of wood is in cosmetic matters. Because almond is a fruit that contains rich medicinal and herbal moisturizing properties for skin care. There are so many qualities in walnuts that can cure various skin problems.


Although we all know more or less about the importance of almonds in cosmetics, but it has some properties that we may not know about. Walnuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, walnuts contain dietary fiber that helps keep the heart healthy. Let’s know how beneficial wood nuts are for the skin.

Peanuts are rich in Vitamin-E. And this vitamin-E helps a lot in increasing the brightness of the skin. Regular massaging of the skin with groundnut oil increases the blood circulation of the skin, thereby keeping the skin healthy.


* Almonds are rich in moisturizers. And this moisturizer helps to remove blackheads, acne on the face. Especially for those with oily skin who cannot use moisturizer, this nutmeg is very beneficial.


* Must soak peanuts in warm water. Then remove the shell and grind the peanuts. Then honey and a little warm water should be mixed with peanuts. Cool the mixture and apply it on the skin. As a result, the skin will glow.


* Walnut helps in removing skin wrinkles. By massaging the skin with walnut oil daily, skin wrinkles will disappear. Moreover, if you mix honey, lemon, almond oil and use it as a face mask, the skin will become radiant and the age impression on the face will be reduced a lot.


* Hazelnut oil is very beneficial in removing dark spots under the eyes. Moreover, if you apply this paste to your eyes while sleeping at night, it removes the black spots under the eyes. It also reduces the wrinkles and puffiness of the eyes.


The various properties of almonds help to keep our body healthy. For example –


The role of peanuts in the formation of the brain is very important. Therefore, it is very important for pregnant mothers and growing children to eat peanuts. Eating almonds every morning does not cause memory loss easily.


Eating peanuts daily increases the level of good cholesterol or ‘high density lipoprotein’ and helps in controlling the level of bad cholesterol or ‘low density lipoprotein’.


Monounsaturated fat, protein and potassium in peanuts play an important role in keeping the heart healthy. Its vitamin E prevents various heart diseases. Magnesium present in almonds prevents heart attacks and potassium helps in controlling blood pressure.


Peanuts are rich in folic acid and vitamin B. Therefore, if pregnant mothers eat peanuts regularly, the chances of complications during pregnancy are reduced.


It contains a special type of antioxidant ‘flavonoids’, which are very effective in preventing various diseases. Peanuts also help prevent some types of cancer. Especially the role of walnuts in preventing colon cancer is very important.


Those who smoke can be protected from the evil effects of cigarettes by eating peanuts every day.


Peanuts are rich in fiber, which helps in relieving constipation. If you eat too much, it can be the opposite!

Earlier, it was thought that eating peanuts will increase weight quickly. But recent studies have shown that peanuts help in weight loss! In fact, 4-5 peanuts seem to fill the stomach. So, when you are hungry, almonds help you to avoid overeating. So those who want to lose weight through diet control should reduce carbohydrate foods in the morning and night and eat peanuts instead.


Vitamin B present in peanuts helps in keeping hair and nails healthy.


Post-menopause women should eat peanuts regularly. Because it contains a lot of calcium which helps in eliminating menopausal problems. Nutmeg also plays a role in preventing various bone diseases.

Nuts are widely used not only as food, but also in cosmetics. For example –


Groundnut powder works as a very good scrubber.


Applying ground almonds mixed with honey on the skin makes the skin bright and soft.


Mix groundnut paste and raw milk together and apply on the skin to remove uneven skin color and blemishes.


Hair becomes shiny and healthy with the use of groundnut oil.


Groundnut oil is also very beneficial for the skin. Its regular massage removes skin wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.


Good side of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

Not only are the benefits of eating almonds, it is also a wonderful ingredient in skin care. Nuts contain amino acids and folic acid. Apart from that, the antioxidants present in it protect the skin from de-oxidizing (depletion of oxygen). The use of walnut in cosmetics reduces skin folds, removes dark spots, and removes sunburn. Nuts are very good food for pregnant women.

According to Ayurvedic dermatologist Rahima Sultana, the moisturizer of wood almonds removes blackheads and acne from the skin. Almond oil is especially beneficial for those with oily skin, whose skin becomes more oily with the use of moisturizers.

Massaging groundnut oil on the skin increases blood circulation and keeps the skin healthy.

Nuts contain vitamin D. This oil massage is also beneficial for children.

Groundnut oil removes dark spots under the eyes. If you sleep on and under the eyelids at night, the spots disappear. It also reduces under-eye wrinkles and puffiness.

To make coconut oil, first take half a liter of coconut oil. Soak 100 grams of almonds and grind them finely. Now mix this almond paste with coconut oil and burn it slowly on very low heat. At this time, care should be taken whether the water in the mixture is drying or not, that is, when the water in the almonds dries up and mixes with the oil completely, then it should be understood that the almond oil is ready for use.

Then cool and store in a bottle.You can eat peanuts in many ways. Almonds are generally best eaten on an empty stomach. The quality of almonds is more available in the morning or afternoon. You can eat soaked or not soaked. Do not eat more than four to six nuts a day.


Just as the taste of food increases when you add badambata with meat, cooking with badambata also does not require oil. Almond oil is very beneficial for the body. It does not contain any type of cholesterol, so batam oil is beneficial for heart patients.


On the other hand, those who cannot consume cow’s milk can consume peanut milk. But there are certain rules for making almond milk. First, the almonds should be soaked in water for two hours. Then blend it with water in a blender and strain it through a strainer to make almond milk. This milk is very beneficial for the body. Even walnuts work great for memory and eyes.

How to store Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.


Many people buy more almonds and store them at home, but after a few days they don’t get the taste of almonds anymore. Sometimes the almonds are dry.


So keep the nuts in the fridge to keep them good for a long time. It does not have any negative effect on the nutritive value of the groundnut.


Peanut helps in weight loss. Reduces body swelling.

Helps to retain youth. Not believing?

Frankly speaking, there are many benefits of almonds. Nuts rich in vitamins and minerals are also beneficial after cooking. Can also be eaten garnished over kheer or pies. An item called Badami Korma is very popular in North Indian cuisine. In most cases that post is made of wood.


Doctors say, if you soak peanuts overnight in a bowl of water, the upper brown skin comes out very easily. After the shell comes out, you can keep the white nut for a week and eat it. Peanuts are much more effective when eaten unshelled.


Positive side of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

1. Soaked almonds help in digestion. Helps in the secretion of necessary enzymes.


2. It plays an effective role in reducing weight. The monounsaturated fat present in almonds reduces hunger and keeps the stomach full.


3. Almonds are good for the heart. Regulates bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein).


4. Antioxidants present in soaked almonds reduce swelling in the body and control premature aging.


5. Vitamin B17 in almonds helps prevent cancer.


6. The flavonoids present in these nuts prevent the formation of tumors in the body.


7. Eating soaked almonds every morning on an empty stomach can control high blood pressure in the body.


8. Gynecologists recommend eating soaked almonds for fertility treatment. Folic acid present in it removes birth defects of the baby.


The popularity of peanuts as food is increasing day by day. However, there are reasonable reasons behind this. Kristy Crow-White, associate professor of the University of Alabama’s Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management, said, ‘Peanuts are a fantastic superfood, containing more than 10 macronutrients and micronutrients. These nutrients improve the health of the heart and blood vessels.


Improves bone health:

Studies have shown that the phosphorus present in almonds, after entering the body, acts to increase bone strength. So, if you start eating almonds every day, the risk of bone disease will be less.

Increases brain power:

A test conducted by researchers at Andrews University in America has shown that almonds contain certain elements that play a special role in increasing brain power. So students are advised to eat nuts regularly before the exam.


Eliminates nutritional deficiencies:

Nuts contain about 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat along with vitamin E, manganese, vitamin B2, phosphorus and magnesium. All these elements are necessary to keep the body healthy.


Controls Blood Pressure:

Nutritionists say almonds are rich in magnesium. This element plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. Hence proper insulin activity is maintained if the magnesium content is correct.


Aids in weight control:

Hunger is completely reduced after eating almonds. As a result, the tendency to overeat is reduced. Along with that, the body needs extra calories and the possibility of weight gain decreases. Peanuts also help in weight control by increasing the rate of metabolism.


Reduces Constipation:

Fiber in almonds is good for the body. The presence of this fiber along with arginine and healthy fats is very important in cardiovascular disease patients. Constipation problems are reduced by eating fiber rich foods.


Increases cell power:

Rich in vitamin E in almonds, it increases the cell power in every corner of the body and also keeps the body free from damage. As a result, it does not have any effect on the body despite the increase in age.

Improved Digestion:

Studies have shown that eating almonds soaked in water on a regular basis increases the secretion of certain enzymes in the body, which improves digestion. Along with that, the incidence of gas-heartburn also decreases.


Everyone loves to eat roasted almonds but nutritionists say that raw almonds are more nutritious than roasted almonds. Again, doctors say, eat almonds soaked in water. If soaked for at least 8-10 hours, the body gets the full nutritional value of almonds.


Almost everyone loves to eat almonds. Almonds are also used in making cakes and pastries to enhance the taste of cooking. It goes without saying that this small thing is full of nutrients. Nuts are not only present in the diet but also present in cosmetics. There are many types of nuts. But today we will discuss about wood nuts. One of the world’s most popular nut trees is the wood nut. This nut is packed with a lot of nutrition.Nutritional benefits of Almonds nuts


Energy –

Provides energy to our body.


Fat –

Fat reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Lowers blood pressure. Lowers cholesterol levels and supports heart health.



The body needs it to develop skin, hair, nails, bones. Protects the body from viruses and bacteria.


Carbohydrates –

One of the primary functions of carbohydrates is to provide your body with energy. Most of the sugars in the foods you eat are digested and broken down into glucose before entering the bloodstream.


Fiber –

Fiber is essential for digestive health and regular bowel movements. It can improve blood sugar levels and cholesterol.


Iron –

Boosts immunity.


Calcium –

Helps strengthen bones and teeth.


Magnesium –

Good for protecting against heart disease and good for diabetics.


Potassium –

Improves blood pressure, cardiovascular health, bone strength and muscle strength.


Copper –

It is found in all tissues of the body and plays a role in making red blood cells and maintaining nerve cells and the immune system.


Manganese –

Manganese is essential for the normal development of human bone formation.


Vitamin B2-

Vitamin B2 vitamins are naturally occurring substances required for various processes in the body. It works in the maintenance of many body tissues.


Blood sugar problems are also seen among young people these days. Almonds are a healing treatment for those suffering from this problem.


People with diabetes are deficient in magnesium and eating almonds increases magnesium levels and helps control blood sugar levels.According to the FDA, a regular 1.5 gram serving of walnuts is heart-healthy. Nutrient-rich walnuts reduce the risk of heart disease. These nuts are rich in magnesium, which is able to prevent heart attacks and high blood pressure.


A 2015 American Heart Association study found that adding these nuts to regular meals can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of weight gain.Wood nuts are a rich source of antioxidants, and most of the antioxidants are present in their brown skins. One of the essential health benefits of almonds is that they are packed with powerful antioxidants.

These antioxidants can help protect the body from harmful oxidative stress and infections.Nuts are beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight. Rich in protein, fiber and fat, this food is able to satisfy your hunger. Nuts contain magnesium, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and is key to reducing obesity. Nuts contain a variety of antioxidants. which helps prevent cancer.

Researchers believe that Chinese almonds, walnuts and walnuts are protective charms for breast cancer. Walnuts have a considerable effect on blood cholesterol. Of the two types of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol is known as the bad cholesterol, which carries the risk of heart disease. Almonds can lower this bad cholesterol level in the blood. Almonds are a good source of vitamin E. Nuts contain protein and enough vitamin E to keep you healthy. Vitamin E is a family of fat-soluble antioxidants. These antioxidants tend to build up in your body’s cell membranes, protecting your cells from oxidative damage.

Among the various types of nuts in the world, wood nuts are a very popular name in terms of their benefits and nutritional value. In addition to preparing food in daily life, these nuts are used for balanced diet and even for beauty awareness.Before knowing about the benefits of kada nut, known as a reservoir of essential nutrients for health, let’s know some general facts about kada nut at a glance.

According to botanical theory, what we eat as a nut is not actually a nut, but a drupe . The fleshy seed covered with a light hard wood-like brown covering is what we eat as a nut.We all generally know that peanuts are beneficial for our good health. But many of us are not aware of the health benefits of tree nuts in detail.

At the same time many of us still don’t know how many peanuts we should eat per day or how much peanuts to include in our daily diet will be part of a balanced diet plan. But no more, today we will know about the benefits of eating walnuts as well as how many walnuts should be consumed in a diet.


You also get enough vitamin B-12 (riboflavin) from the same amount of peanuts to provide about 161 calories of dietary energy and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates.

Indian-almond are rich in antioxidants, which help protect our cells from oxidative stress.

It should be noted that due to various physical processes and environmental influences occurring in our body, many free radicals are generated in the body, resulting in this oxidative stress. Oxidative stress leads to chronic diseases such as inflammation, aging and cancer.


High levels of LDL lipoprotein, or “bad” cholesterol, in the blood increase the risk of heart disease. Peanuts contain unsaturated fat, which does not increase the risk of LDL or “bad” cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the unsaturated fat in peanuts can improve a person’s blood cholesterol status. Moreover, these nuts do not contain any type of cholesterol.


As almonds are rich in antioxidants, they keep the blood flow in our body normal by keeping blood lipid levels in check. As a result, blood pressure is controlled and the risk of heart disease is reduced.


A 2014 study had healthy men aged 20-70 eat 70 grams of peanuts per day for 4 weeks. Later, in their cases , the problem of high blood pressure is reduced and the normal level of blood flow is controlled. Experts believe that such a possibility arises due to the effect of antioxidant compounds called flavonoids in walnuts.


Moreover, walnuts are rich in unsaturated fats, thus reducing the level of bad cholesterol, thus ensuring heart health. Besides, its magnesium also helps in controlling high blood pressure.Cancer prevention is another important benefit of walnuts. Peanuts are rich in fiber which helps in detoxifying the body. By doing this, some harmful pathogenic bacteria present in our digestive system are destroyed, the digestive system is active and the risk of colon cancer is reduced .


It is also rich in vitamin E and flavonoids which control breast cancer.


A 2015 study found that people who ate almonds, walnuts and peanuts had a two- to three-fold lower risk of breast cancer.

Almonds improve the metabolism of our body, which makes food digestible very easily. The metabolism power is easily boosted by the effect of protein and fiber of wood nuts. As a result, our stomach remains full for longer, and we feel less hungry. As a result, weight loss is gradual due to less calorie intake .


According to data from PubMed Central, a four-week study in 137 participants gave them a daily 1.5 ounce (43 gram) serving of peanuts. As a result their appetite and desire to overeat is significantly reduced.


Also, another study of 100 overweight women found that those who ate peanuts were able to lose belly and waist fat relatively compared to those who didn’t eat peanuts.Calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin K, protein and zinc present in walnuts are always effective in maintaining bone health. Almonds are therefore called a balanced food for bone formation.


Experts say that 1 ounce of peanuts contains at least as much calcium as 0.25 cups of milk.


Also, the phosphorus present in peanuts keeps the body structure strong and healthy, thereby reducing the risk of diseases like fractures, osteoporosis .


One of the most important foods for eye health , walnuts contain more vitamin E than carrots, which prevents abnormal changes in the lens of our eyes. So regular consumption of tree nuts is beneficial for eye protection.

Due to certain physical complications, the body’s red blood cells become dysfunctional, thereby reducing the oxygen supply to the brain.


Walnuts are rich in copper, iron and important vitamins, which help in the formation of hemoglobin. As a result, almonds can be used in daily diet to prevent anemia .

Nuts not only boost our physical performance but also contribute to mental health in many ways. It contains L-carnitine and riboflavin which help in brain cell growth.


Also, the chemical compound called phenylalanine present in peanuts helps in the cognitive function of the brain.


Experts say that eating at least five pieces of peanuts every morning can boost your brain power.


Also, the amount of magnesium present in peanuts contributes significantly to increasing the efficiency of our nervous system. Magnesium keeps our nerves cool, stabilizes our mood and results in better sleep.


Also, the amount of magnesium present in peanuts contributes significantly to increasing the efficiency of our nervous system. Magnesium keeps our nerves cool, stabilizes our mood and results in better sleep.

The benefits of walnuts to improve memory are immense. Almond milk is a nutritious drink rich in potassium, which increases the number of electrolytes in our body. As a result , besides increasing our physical strength , memory is also sharpened. So mothers should encourage their school children to drink peanut milk regularly.

The flavonoids present in walnuts provide essential nutrients to the skin and help in reducing aging wrinkles. Also, these nuts contain fatty acids that fight against acne , blackheads and whiteheads. These fatty acids control the oil or sebum trapped in the skin pores and reduce the chances of acne or acne.

Also, before consuming peanuts, one should make sure whether it is bitter or sweet. Bitter gourd is used as a natural anesthetic in some cases.


But it is very dangerous as a direct food because it contains glycoside amygdalin (glycoside amygdalin) which causes toxicity in the stomach if consumed as food.


Also, heating bitter gourd produces poisonous hydrogen cyanide which is known to be an instant killer.


How many Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa should be eaten a day?

The quantity of indian-almond consumed depends on the purpose for which the person is consuming or eating Indian-almond. Experts say that if one wants to gain weight, one should eat about 40 almonds a day starting from breakfast. And in case of weight loss, eating five almonds with milk for breakfast is enough.


A nutritious diet is a blessing for a healthy life. If you want to get used to a healthy lifestyle, don’t forget to add peanuts to your daily diet. Because, in addition to being physically active, the benefits of walnuts to ensure mental positivity are second to none.

Indian-almond are a favorite food of many. Besides, we often hear about the various benefits of tree nuts. That’s why many of us eat a lot of tree nuts.

But do you know that you are harming yourself by eating excess tree nuts?

Let’s know the side effects of eating Indian-almond.


1. Nuts are rich in fiber. So eating too many nuts can lead to constipation. In that case, you have to drink a lot of water.


2. 100 grams of tree nuts contain 25 mg of vitamin-E. Whereas we need only 15 mg of vitamin-E a day. As a source of vitamins, one can eat three times that amount of wood nuts throughout the day. It does not do any harm. But it’s also true that along with tree nuts, we also eat many vegetables that contain vitamin E (eg, eggs, spinach). And that harms our health. Diarrhea, weakness and even poor eyesight can occur.


3. Nuts are high in fat and calories. 100 grams of walnuts contain 50 grams of fat. As a result, there is a possibility of weight gain.


4. If you eat too many nuts, toxins accumulate in the body. Because it contains hydrocarbon acids. Excessive accumulation of hydrocarbon acids in the body can cause breathing difficulties, nerve problems, and even death.


5. So one should not eat more than 40 grams of wood nuts a day.ANM News Desk : We all know that almonds are very good for our body. We even know to eat two to three almonds daily to stay healthy.


Harmful aspects of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.

The benefits of wood nuts are many which we have come to know from the above mentioned information. Knowing its benefits, some smart people have started cultivating it in their gardens.


But do you know, there are also disadvantages of wood nuts? Yes, if you don’t follow the rules of eating walnuts, then you too may suffer from the side effects of walnuts.


So, before you start eating peanuts as soon as you get them, first learn about its benefits as well as its disadvantages. Everyone needs to know how much more than the recommended daily dose can get you into trouble.


Seven harmful aspects of tree nuts below-


1) Excess wood nuts can cause constipation. We know almonds are a fiber-rich food. Foods rich in fiber are undoubtedly considered healthy. But when the amount becomes more, this problem arises.


2) Eating excess almonds will reduce the absorption of nutrients from the digestive system. The fiber present in peanuts prevents the absorption of nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc etc. in the body. So, remember, you can eat up to 30 grams of it daily.Almonds can cause allergies in some people.

Because it contains a protein component called amadin which is responsible for this. Examples of allergic reactions that can occur in the body due to peanuts include swelling of the tongue, swelling of the throat, lips and face and an itchy feeling.


However, fatal reactions can be observed in some people. That is called anaphylaxis. This can lead to serious conditions like vomiting, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure etc.


So, if you’ve never had it before, try a couple of bites first to see if it suits you. Or proceed as per doctor’s advice.


4) Drinking in excess can lead to kidney stones. Peanuts contain a compound called oxalate that dissolves in the body’s intestines. However, if the amount of this compound increases, it can facilitate the formation of kidney stones. So, tread carefully.


5) Eating more peanuts will increase the amount of vitamin E in the body. This is because almonds are naturally rich in vitamin E. So, if you are already consuming other foods rich in vitamin E or taking vitamin E supplements, be careful when consuming almonds.


Excess vitamin E interferes with the process of blood clotting. As a result, bleeding may occur in the body.


The simple concept of weight gain is that you should not consume more calories than your daily caloric intake according to your needs. Otherwise it will contribute to the increase in body weight.


Therefore, in order to control body weight, every person should consume food according to his physical condition by calculating calories.


The International price of the Indian-almond or Terminalia catappa.


It is mainly an import dependent food product in our country. And those products which depend on imports see their prices rise in the domestic market with the rise in foreign currency.

Caring for Terminalia catappa.

Wood nut helps to reduce skin wrinkles. Massaging the skin with almond oil daily will reduce the appearance of fine lines. Moreover, if you mix honey, lemon, nutmeg oil and use it as a face mask, the skin will become radiant and the age impression of the face will be reduced.We all know more or less how beneficial tree nuts are to the human body as a food seed. But not only as a food seed, but also in cosmetics, groundnut is used in many ways.


Almond is a fruit that contains rich properties of medicinal and herbal moisturizers for skin care. There are so many properties in wood nuts which can cure various hair and skin problems. Groundnut oil is very beneficial for both skin and hair. Walnuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, walnuts contain dietary fiber that helps keep the heart healthy.


Peanuts contain Vitamin-E. So this vitamin-E helps a lot in increasing the brightness of the skin. Regular massaging of this oil on the skin increases the blood circulation of the skin, thereby keeping the skin healthy.


Almonds are rich in moisturizers. And this heavy moisturizer helps to remove blackheads and acne on the face. Especially those with oily skin who cannot use moisturizer, can easily use almonds.


It contains vitamin-D. Massaging the body with groundnut oil in small children makes the bones of the body strong and strong.


Nuts are rich in vitamin E. It protects the skin from the sun and also helps protect the skin from damage. People with sunburned skin can use almond oil to get rid of it.


Hazelnut oil can be absorbed by the body very quickly. So groundnut oil can be used on the body anytime instead of lotion.


Wood nuts also work as a scrub. By massaging the face gently with ground almonds, along with honey, and sour curd, the scrub will do the job.


Walnut oil contains fatty acids. So it helps in removing any skin problem on the face.


Soak the peanuts in warm water. Remove the shell and grind the peanuts and mix it with honey and a little warm water. Cool the mixture and apply it on the skin to increase the glow of the skin.


To remove heavy makeup, use a little bit of almond oil to clean the entire makeup.


Hazelnut oil is very beneficial in removing dark circles under the eyes. Moreover, if the paste is applied to the eyes while sleeping at night, the dark spots under the eyes will disappear. Eye wrinkles, puffy eyes are also reduced. Wood almonds are better than any good eye cream to remove dark circles under the eyes.


Wood nut helps in removing skin wrinkles. By massaging the skin with walnut oil daily, skin wrinkles will disappear. Moreover, if you mix honey, lemon, almond oil and use it as a face mask, the age impression of the face will be reduced and the skin will become radiant.

Wood nut in hair care


Those who are worried about dandruff, apply a mixture of 1:1 wood nut oil + neem oil on the hair and leave it overnight and shampoo it in the morning. It will remove dandruff.


Walnuts contain hair-friendly mono fatty acids, along with vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2 and B6. Due to which wood nut nourishes the hair, strengthens the hair. Nuts rich in fatty acids keep hair soft, straight and silky.


Applying this oil, fenugreek powder, castor oil, coconut oil on the hair will strengthen the hair growth, reduce hair fall, and make hair grow faster.


Massaging the scalp with rosemary and lavender essential oils along with walnut oil will reduce hair fall.


It contains high amount of phosphorus. Which helps in good hair growth. Moreover, hair loss is mainly due to lack of phosphorus. Phosphorus deficiency is compensated by eating wood nuts regularly. Starting from the function of the body, hair also gets protein from wood nuts.Nuts are not only good for health, they also work wonders for beauty. Peanuts contain dietary fiber that helps keep the heart healthy. It also keeps the skin glowing.


Eliminates oily skin problems.


If the sebaceous glands inside the skin start producing excess oil, the skin will look extra oily. It makes the face look quite black. Along with that, various other skin problems occur including acne. Wood nuts play a role in eliminating this type of problem. In this case, a handful of ground almonds should be soaked in water overnight. Next morning get up and strain the water and mix it with enough curd to make a paste. Now apply the paste on the face and wait for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water. By using this face mask daily, the problem of oily skin will be removed, and the skin will become bright and vibrant.


Eliminates dry skin problems.


Dry skin can also be seen in hot weather. At this time, in addition to eating a bowl of almonds every day, a face pack made of almonds should be applied on the face. This will start to increase the levels of certain substances inside the skin that will restore the skin’s lost moisture. In this case, a small amount of ground almonds, oats and milk should be mixed together to make a paste. Then apply it on the face and wait for 10-15 minutes and wash the face well. Skin care 3-4 days a week in this way will eliminate skin dryness.Removes any skin blemishes


Wood nuts will help reduce any blemishes on the skin. In this case, take a quantity of Multani soil and mix it with almond powder and rose water to make a paste. Then apply the paste on the face and wait until it dries. Then wash with cold water. If you take care of your skin in this way for a day, you will see that all the spots on your face have disappeared.


Makes the skin glow.

Make a paste by mixing almond powder and milk with enough amount of sandalwood powder to brighten the skin and apply it on the face. This will remove the layer of dead cells accumulated on the upper part of the skin. Along with that, the production of collagen inside the skin will increase. As a result, the skin becomes bright and fair in no time.


Reduce skin aging.


Skin care is needed to slow skin aging. You can use almonds in this case. Because several studies have shown that almonds contain certain substances that eliminate water deficiency in the skin. Along with increasing the content of collagen, it also reduces the level of wrinkles. As a result, it does not take time for the skin to age. In this case, mix equal amount of almond powder with olive oil and curd and make a paste. If you start applying this mixture on your face regularly, you will see that the skin age will decrease.


Nuts are more nutritious than they taste. These nuts are rich in vitamins B, E, D and beneficial fats. Per 100 g of peanuts contains – Energy 578 kcal, Carbohydrate 20 g, Fiber 12 g, Fat 51 g, Protein 22 g, Thiamin 0.24 mg, Riboflavin 0.8 mg, Niacin 4 mg, Pantothenic acid 0.3 mg, Vitamin B6 0.13 mg, vitamin E 26.22 mg, calcium 248 mg, iron 4 mg, magnesium 275 mg, phosphorus 474 mg, potassium 728 mg.

Walnuts also contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils, zinc, folic acid, and plenty of antioxidants. These elements are very necessary for our body. The benefits of tree nuts are limitless. It is not exactly a nut, it is a type of food seed. Good quality timber is available in North Africa, In West Asia. Nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, walnuts contain dietary fiber.

Groundnut has two types of oil, one is sweet and the other is bitter. And shea nut oil is useful in hair care.

Almond oil is one of the best sources of vitamin E, D, potassium and magnesium which helps in making the hair soft and shiny. Just a few drops works well.

If used in combination with some other ingredients, the hair will be more healthy and shiny.

Mix 1 tablespoon of groundnut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey with egg yolk to reduce hair fall. Then apply the mixture to the hair roots and the whole hair and wrap the whole head with a hot towel and wait for an hour. Finally, wash your hair with shampoo. The mixture should be used once a week to promote new hair growth and reduce hair fall.

Effective in repairing damaged hair. In this case, equal amount of almond oil and warm coconut milk should be mixed together. Then apply the mixture to the hair and cover the entire head with a towel.

For brittle hair, mixing half a ripe avocado instead of coconut milk can be beneficial.

Take a few drops of groundnut oil in the palm of your hand and apply it on your hair. You will see the hair looking shiny. Generally it is more applicable for curly hair.

Nutrients in groundnut oil help to keep hair healthy. In this case, rubbing a few drops of almond oil on the scalp will make the hair shiny. Apart from making hair strong and thick, this oil is very effective in nourishing the hair and keeping the scalp smooth.

Regularly massaging this oil on the head makes the hair smooth and soft. As a result, the hair is easy to manage. Moreover, groundnut oil helps to promote new hair growth and repair brittle hair by maintaining blood circulation in the scalp.

When applied with groundnut oil, the scalp, dead cells and dandruff are softened. As a result, dandruff and dead cells come off easily when you wash your head with a good shampoo. Moreover, when the scalp is massaged in this way, the hair follicles are opened and the oil penetrates deep into the hair, helping to nourish the hair.

Apply peanut oil to your hair a few hours before shampooing. It will come up with the dirty oil on the scalp. As a result, the oil and dirt will be cleaned while washing the hair.

Peanut oil penetrates deep into the scalp and nourishes the hair. As a result, the hair becomes soft and healthy.There are many more benefits of almond oil. Regular consumption of almond oil along with its use on hair will nourish the hair from the inside and the skin will be healthy along with the hair.

Hair is essential for the physical beauty of every human being. Therefore, regular hair care is necessary for both men and women. Our skin and hair also change with the change of season.


Meanwhile, hair dryness, dandruff or hair fall has become a new problem. A lot of hair falls out every day. Hair loss is a real concern. But the good news is that there are some magical foods that can stop hair fall in no time. Let’s know the names of some foods that stop hair loss-

Nuts are rich in biotin, B vitamins, omega three and six fatty acids. So there is no pair of nuts to stop hair loss. Eat a handful of almonds daily to strengthen the hair cuticle and nourish the scalp.


You must have known how beneficial almonds or what we simply call ‘wood nuts’ are for your body. Many of you must not start your day without eating soaked wood nuts . Almond oil is also good for hair. Courtesy of Dasbase No more unknown to you. Nuts are called ‘superfoods’ for their many beneficial properties. But did you know that the oil produced from nuts is extremely beneficial for hair and skin care? You can treat all your hair and skin problems. But you can do the solution with the magic of this one nut.