Behind the Mask: Unveiling Secrets of Personal Protection.
Mask always protect you from virus, Germ’s in the air. Mask used when environment polluted.
A mask is an object that is usually worn over the face. It is used for to purify air. It is worn for a variety of purposes, including protection, camouflage, entertainment, and performance.
(figurative) hypocrisy.
Unmask (verb) (figurative) to reveal; True form revealed.
(Tatsam or Sanskrit) mouth+cell.
Uses and examples of masks.
The BAFTA Award trophy is a mask.He defeated El Felino, Olimpico, and Volador Jr. in Lucha de Apuestas matches before losing his own mask to their mask.
Before Cain opens his metal mask (resulting in a new red mask).
Metal masks and new clothes are worn which are inspired by the method of dissecting a human body after an autopsy.
Some enter the forest wearing the mask of Dakshinraya on the back of the head so that tigers do not get scared by the mask.
This mask is closely related to secular Shaivite culture.

Black hand maded Mask
The main difference can be seen in the use of masks.
A medical mask basically refers to a special type of mask that covers the nose and mouth, which is used by professionals working in the health sector while providing healthcare.
Masks are a cultural tradition of Purulia district in the Indian state of West Bengal The main difference between the Chow common in Purulia and the Chow of Mayurbhanj in Odisha is the mask.
The use of masks began in the later Stone Age Egyptian civilization. Now it has no practical use, but the practice of making masks still continues.
What do we mean by the mask of Asian?
Maybe I mean the masks of various animals and people that can be seen in the Mars procession in Bengali New Year. But the organization of party mask exhibition titled ‘Faces and Masks’ at Gallery Kaya made us know the beauty of masks anew. We have also understood from the exhibition that there are hundreds of words hidden inside the mask.
There are a total of 122 masks in the exhibition. Here various sarcasms have come up with various beauty of masks. Wood, wood powder, glass, burnt clay, paper pulp, paper, paint, plaster of Paris and mixed materials such as tree branches, leaves, sticks, wooden figures wrapped in paper etc. have been used as mediums.
It is good to say that the examination of these various uses of masks has given us new directions. In the same way, he taught me to think about the mask anew.

White Surgical Mask
Discussion about some masks now.
Dimensional shapes on masks by combining glass, marble and transparent materials. In this exhibition, he created a human bust sculpture with the help of glass. The difference in the color of the hat and shirt on the man’s head in his mask creates a new idea in the mind of the viewer.
After the mask hardened, Masuda Kazi divided it into different parts using primary colors. His mask has a touch of scrutiny. Sabin Shahriar used wooden pallets for his 10 masks. As a result of this the shape got a specific floor, in the same way he created the relationship between the main shape and the floor of the artwork with the help of some lines. Sabin’s efforts have Munshiana.
Devashish Pal created the artwork in decorative face relief technique on ceramic plates. The face made by Devasish in royal ornaments has especially caught the attention of the audience.
The two large masks in the exhibition are titled ‘Arab Spring’. One of them has the exceptional presence of a crow standing on the face of a human. It was drawn by Saidul Haque Juis.
The language of the barbed wire coming out of the mouth of the second mask says, the rebellion of the people, the screams of the prisoners today.
Social reality, construction of royal courtly appearance, people’s laughter, tears, warmth—all expressions can be seen in masks. We all assume different forms at different times in life. But from Shyamal Sarkar’s work we see the basic expression of the human child. Just as the smile on the face of the green child makes us happy, the puffy tears of the light green mask make us think.
Thus, peering into the masks of the fifteen participating artists, one by one we see different expressions and different stories. May we continue to delve into the mysterious world of face masks. Because, in this exhibition, the shape of the mask made by various means opens the door of a mysterious feeling in front of us.

Beautiful Mask design
How many types of masks and what are they?
There are different types of masks such as medical masks, cloth masks and gas masks and many more. A gas mask is a mask that protects the wearer from poisonous air or poisonous gas when worn. Masks have become a daily companion, wearing a mask is now a regular part of life.
After six days of waiting, it finally appeared on a Sunday! This is a holiday to take good care of the skin! Applying a face mask is the easiest and shortcut way to detox the skin by removing the damage caused by the dust-smoke-pollution throughout the week. Now there are so many face masks in the market that many people can’t understand which mask is right for them! Actually, who needs a face mask depends on the skin problem. Think about what exactly your problem is and choose your ideal face mask accordingly!
Peel-off mask.
Those whose skin is oily, acne often, can trust peel-off masks. A peel-off mask is a gel-like substance that dries up after being applied to the face and needs to be pulled off. When the mask is pulled off, all the dead cells and dust accumulated on the face are removed along with the mask. So if you have acne problem, choose a peel-off mask with your eyes closed to control the oiliness of the skin.
Sleep mask.
The exact opposite of a peel-off mask is a sleep mask. It is also called an overnight mask. That is, you can sleep safely by applying this mask on your face. The function of this mask is to restore moisture to dry skin. Apply at night and go to sleep, and in the morning you will be greeted with moist, glowing skin!
Bubble Mask.
This item is relatively new. You will see the popularity of bubble Masks just by browsing Instagram. This mask is normal before application, but after applying it on the face, it starts to swell like a soap foam and at the same time deeply cleanses the skin pores and provides nutrients to the skin. If your skin looks lifeless, with clogged pores, opt for a bubble mask.
Sheet mask.
Don’t have time at all, but want to quickly bring beauty to the skin? Here comes the sheet mask for you. This mask, which looks like a thin cotton cloth, contains a mixture of beneficial ingredients, including a serum that provides anti-oxidants to the skin. The price of sheet mask is a little high, but to provide moisture to the skin quickly, this thing is second to none!
Air pollution is a permanent problem of urban life. According to a report this year, Dhaka is the second most polluted city in the world. According to the report, the level of air pollution in this city is higher than Beijing, the most populous city in China.
Citizens of the capital can feel the air pollution by leaving their homes. The dusty city is covered like fog all the time.
Children are more affected by air pollution. Last year, a study was conducted on the lung function of six school children in the capital.
Researchers say 25 percent of children’s lungs are not fully functioning, and most of them are between the ages of nine and 14. Researchers said that such a situation has arisen as a result of air pollution.A mask is an effective material to protect the lungs from polluted air. Experts advise the use of masks especially for children on their way to and from school and college.
Various types of masks are available in the market. However, not all masks are equally effective in protecting the lungs from polluted air.
Experts think that it is necessary to pay attention to those things while buying a mask-
1. We mostly use surgical masks. Because surgical masks are the most readily available. This mask is available at almost all drugstores. But surgical masks are considered the least effective at preventing air pollution.
2. Masks with tiny filters are more effective in purifying atmospheric pollutants. However, the price of masks with micro-filters is relatively high.
3. Generally, three types of filters are used in the mask: N, R and P.
N(N) masks mainly provide protection from dust and sand.
R category masks are good for short term use. However, its effectiveness decreases after using it for more than a week.
P() category masks are most effective in purifying both almost polluted air and dust and sand. This mask can be used comfortably for up to a month.
4. An efficacy level is written inside the filter mask or on the packet. The numbers 95, 99, 100 etc. are used to indicate the efficiency of the filter. Indicated by the number 95, this mask is able to filter 95 percent of pollutants from the air.
5. A category N mask with 99 percent effectiveness may be a good option. It is also cost effective and effective in purifying air pollutants.
6. Care should be taken that the mask is comfortable.
7. How long or how many times a mask can be used is written on the mask. Read it carefully before buying.
Recently, a research team from Yale University in the United States said that if everyone uses a mask while going out for emergency work in addition to lockdown and other precautions, both the number of corona infections and deaths will decrease by 10 percent. According to them, the economic benefit for each increase in mask use that reduces the number of infections or deaths is equal to $3,000 to $6,000. But this is a big deal.
The research team made this result by comparing the spread and death rate of corona in countries like South Korea, Japan, where everyone is used to using masks, and countries like Italy. Many people in America or Europe are used to social and physical distancing, but they don’t want to use masks easily.
In our country too, there is reluctance to use masks outside all the time. Other rules are more or less obeyed. However, if there is an opportunity, I will make a public gathering. I have even received news that some people have organized weddings in the midst of the increasing attack of this corona virus. But now it’s a bit of a habit. When we go out, we try to avoid crowds. Shoppers keep a distance of three to four feet while shopping. But not everyone has the habit of using a mask on their face all the time. Many do not want to wear it. Many of us don’t think about how much damage it does.
We are seeing the spread of coronavirus in new areas every day. New areas are being locked down. From six in the evening to six in the morning one cannot go out of the house. No one is advised to go out except for urgent work even during the day. All this is being done so that the corona virus cannot spread and the death rate due to corona virus is reduced.
It is also being said that wearing a mask is mandatory. But this condition seems to be a little weak. As a result, many people think that there are no people on the streets, even if they don’t wear masks. This is a misconception.
Not only to protect yourself, but also to protect 10 other people from corona infection, wearing a mask should be mandatory. Because, many times we may not know when the coronavirus has entered. I felt it after two or three days. Meanwhile, we spread the coronavirus through droplets when we talk or sneeze. It will stop if we use masks when going out for emergency work.One might have a dilemma here. Because there are many types of masks. There are also masks made of simple two-three layers of cotton cloth, and then there are surgical masks, such as N95 masks. Which one should I use? Since surgical masks are usually used by doctors-nurses in hospitals, they are rarely available in the open market. If all people want to use surgical masks, doctors’ masks will be strained.
Already in America there is a shortage of surgical masks in hospitals. Even in our country. In fact, surgical masks are needed by doctors and nurses, because it is not only necessary for the safety of the doctor during the treatment of the patient, but also for the safety of the patient. So the needs of doctors must be met. Otherwise, there will be a risk of danger for both the patient and the doctor in the treatment.
In this situation, many people think that they will not work without a surgical mask, so many of them do not want to use masks.
In this regard, the American CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has recently made a clear announcement that ordinary citizens should use cloth masks (source: Web MD, Do Cloth Face Masks Actually Work?, April 10, 2020). There are many benefits in this. Because we can wash the mask with soap and dry it again after coming home from outside. So it is accessible to all. We can even make cloth masks by sewing two or three layers of clean cloth at home.
The bottom line is let’s stay at home for a while. Only if I have to go out for urgent work, I use a cloth mask. In this, the rate of corona infection and death rate can be reduced by at least 10 percent.
It’s not just words, scientific studies have found this result.
Benefits of mask.
Overnight face mask hydrates the skin. It is very beneficial for those with dry skin or elderly people. 2. Blood flow to the skin increases during sleep, which rebuilds collagen and restores skin from UV exposure, wrinkles and age spots.
We use various facial masks to keep the skin healthy, get rid of blemishes and acne. The use of face mask brightens the skin.Benefits of sleeping with a face mask at night
1. Overnight face mask hydrates the skin. It is very beneficial for those with dry skin or elderly people.
2. Blood flow to the skin increases during nighttime sleep, which rebuilds collagen and restores skin from UV exposure, wrinkles and age spots. When you sleep with a face mask on, the active ingredients and water content in it help repair and grow cells.
3. Keeps skin healthy Most overnight face masks contain minerals, vitamins, and other skin-boosting ingredients that keep skin healthy.
4. Face mask protects the skin from pollutants. Another benefit of sleeping with a mask is that it retains moisture and prevents dirt, other pollutants from entering the pores.
However, many people do not know the correct use of face masks. Many people leave it overnight and wash their face in the morning. Applying a night face mask makes the face skin much softer and brighter. However, it has two advantages and disadvantages.
And the things to be followed:
1. Avoid sleeping with masks containing clay or activated charcoal. Because if you keep them on overnight, the skin may become dry.
2. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, which can dry out and damage your skin.
3. If you use different skin products containing acids or retinol, do not leave face masks with these same ingredients on overnight. Because it can cause skin problems.
Will you use a peel off mask just because we say it?
Not at all! First know exactly what benefits you can get by using peel off mask, then buy and use peel off mask (5 amazing beauty benefits of peel off mask) according to your skin type and pocket.
Let’s know the benefits of using peel off mask.
1. Great for skin detox.
Every day the level of pollution around us is increasing which is having a bad effect on our body as well as skin. As toxins accumulate in our body and at least one day a week we flush out those toxins; But toxins are often not removed from the skin. Many people forget to wash their face with CTM routine, even with face wash. As a result, dirt accumulates not only on the surface of our skin, but also deep down. If peel off mask can be used one or two days a week (5 amazing beauty benefits of peel off mask), then skin toxins are removed very easily.
2. Helps to lift facial hair.
Many of us have unwanted facial hair. Some try to remove unwanted facial hair with the help of waxing and shaving. However, it is possible to remove unwanted facial hair by using a peel off mask. When the mask is removed after application and drying, the unwanted facial hair also comes out. Blackheads and whiteheads are also removed at the same time.
3. Helps keep skin moist.
Maintaining skin moisture is very important. When the skin starts losing its moisture and becomes rough and dry, problems start. Rashes, itching for no reason, various allergies etc. are some common problems of rough skin. Many people do not take care of their skin regularly. Don’t apply moisturizer too often. In that case, the moisture of the skin gradually runs out and the skin ages prematurely. This problem can be eliminated by using a peel off mask. It does not take much time to apply a peel off mask (5 amazing beauty benefits of peel off mask).
4. Helps to cleanse the pores.
People with large and open pores tend to accumulate dirt on their skin and are prone to bacterial infections and breakouts. There is no danger of dirt accumulation in skin pores if you use peel off mask regularly.
5. Helps to keep the skin youthful.
When the skin toxins are removed, the skin becomes clear from within and the glow of the skin also increases. In addition, the dead cells on the surface of the skin are removed and the bright cells inside come out. Also, due to the use of peel off mask (5 amazing beauty benefits of peel off mask), the elasticity of our skin is maintained and wrinkles and fine lines are not formed on the skin. The skin of the skin does not wrinkle or sag and remains youthful for a long time.
Mask care.
Masks help stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. However, many parents will notice that it is not easy to start using masks for children.
Some countries have a long history of using masks to reduce the spread of germs. But for many families, 2020 will be a memorable year for wearing a mask for the first time.
If you’ve never used a mask before, you probably have a few questions. To help you make the best decision for your family, we’ve gathered the latest expert information on how to wear and properly care for masks in the context of Covid-19, and how to successfully start using them in your family:
Why wear a face mask?
One of the main ways that Covid-19 spreads is through small droplets (droplets) from the respiratory tract, which come out when people talk, sing, cough or sneeze. Although research is ongoing, we now know that the virus can be transmitted by people who have no symptoms of infection. This means that some people can be infected without even realizing it.
This is one of the reasons why physical distancing is so important in places where the prevalence of Covid-19 is high. However, it is not always possible to maintain distance from others in crowded places, which is why it is recommended to use cloth masks to keep everyone safe in such situations.
But remember, a mask alone will not stop the spread of Covid-19 – we all need to continue practicing physical distancing and frequent hand washing. Together we can defeat Covid-19 through these measures.
What kind of mask should I get for my family?
Non-medical masks (cloth masks): If you and your family live in an area with high prevalence of Covid-19 and do not have any symptoms of Covid-19, non-medical masks are recommended.
Medical Masks:
The pandemic has led to a global shortage of medical masks. If you or a family member is at high risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 (over 60 years of age or with other health problems) or if you are caring for someone with COVID-19, medical mask use is recommended.
What type of cloth mask is best?
Cloth masks are made from a variety of materials and you can either make them at home or buy them from a store. Although research into the use of cloth masks is ongoing, their effectiveness depends on the type of cloth used and how many layers of cloth are used. The World Health Organization recommends the use of three layers of masks where:
The middle layer will consist of non-woven materials such as polypropylene.
The outer layer shall be made of non-absorbent materials such as polyester or polyester blends.
Whatever type of mask you choose to cover your face, it should be one that covers the nose, mouth and chin and is secured with rubber bands or gussets.
When should my family wear mask?
Find out if your local authority where you live requires wearing a mask in certain situations and has any age-based advice.
Whether your child should wear a mask depends on several factors, including their age and ability to use a mask safely and appropriately. See UNICEF and WHO guidance for more information.
If your area has a high prevalence of Covid-19, physical distancing is difficult to maintain – cloth masks should always be worn in crowded situations. Crowded places and confined spaces with inadequate ventilation should be avoided as much as possible.
There is a lot of misinformation circulating about mask use and COVID-19, so make sure you use information from trusted sources like UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and your national and local health authorities when making decisions about your family’s health.
When should you not wear a mask?
No one should wear a mask, including infants and young children or anyone with breathing problems who is unable to open the mask without assistance.
Children 5 years and younger do not need to wear a mask. It relies on child protection and recognizes that children are at different stages of development at different ages.
Some countries have different advice on children’s mask use, so it’s important to know if your local authority has any age-specific guidelines. If they instruct children 5 years of age or younger to wear a mask, the child should be directly supervised by you or another caregiver to ensure safe use of the mask.
Choose places where you don’t need to wear a mask during exercise. In this case, choose a room or a place (such as somewhere outside) where you can maintain a safe physical distance from others. Children and the elderly should not wear masks during sports or physical activity, so that it may not cause any breathing problems. Sweat can wet the mask, making breathing difficult and conducive to bacterial growth.
What should I look for when choosing a mask for my children?
Many masks are made for adults and do not fit properly on children’s faces. If you do buy a mask, buy a mask that is custom-made for your baby. Whether you buy a mask for your baby or make it yourself, make sure the mask covers the baby’s mouth, nose and nostrils well and doesn’t leave gaps around the cheeks or cover their eyes. Make sure children can breathe comfortably while walking or talking quickly while wearing a mask.
How to Clean a Cloth Mask.
Wash the cloth mask at least once a day if possible with hot water (at least 60°C) using soap or powdered soap. For machine washing, use the appropriate heat setting for the type of fabric. For hand washing, use warm soapy water. After washing, the mask should be dried thoroughly before re-wearing. Store the mask in a clean bag.Wearing, opening and maintaining masks properly is important for your health and the safety of everyone around you. Practice following this list with your family, so it becomes a regular routine.
Time to wear a mask.
Make sure the mask is clean. Check it for holes or holes. Do not wear the mask if it is dirty or damaged.
Wear the mask in such a way that the face, nose and chin are well covered and there are no gaps at the sides.
Make sure you can breathe comfortably while wearing the mask.
While wearing a mask.
Replace the mask if it becomes dirty or wet.
Do not pull the mask down the nose or chin or wear it over your head – the mask must completely cover the face and nose to be effective.
Do not touch the mask while wearing it.
Tip for you:
If you and your family plan to take the masks off and reuse them during the day, use clear resealable bags to store them. Use a separate bag for each mask in your household. Hold the mask by the elastic bands or gussets (without touching the surface of the mask) to avoid possible contamination when placing the mask in the bag or removing it from the bag. Remember to wash your hands before wearing it.
Use of masks.
Masks are necessary to prevent corona infection. Masks that have become everyday music are now a fashion accessory for many. However, it is not possible to get the benefits of using a mask if it is not used properly.
There are two types of masks that we generally use the most, cloth masks and surgical masks. Also, medical providers use N-95 and other special types of masks.
A three-layer cloth mask may be used in low-risk areas and where direct patient contact is unlikely. But in that case, the cloth mask must be sterilized properly every day. This is why it is important to know the correct method of disinfecting cloth masks if you want to use them repeatedly. Let’s find out how we sanitize a three-layer cloth mask.
Sanitization or disinfection of cloth masks:
In all cases, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water before opening the mask. Care should be taken not to shake the mask while opening the mask, otherwise the covid virus will spread in the air. Be sure not to touch the nose, eyes or face while opening the mask.
Then put the mask directly inside the washing machine or bucket, and wash your hands again.
Detergent powder, bleach, soap and normal temperature water should be used for washing. Hot water should not be used for washing cloth masks as it may damage the fabric of the mask.
Soak the mask in soapy water for a while and then wash the mask several times with clean water. After washing, let it dry in the strong sun.
Dry masks should be stored in a paper or polythene packet. Care should be taken that the packet is not dirty or wet in any way.
Remember, cloth masks should be washed after each use.
Disinfection of surgical masks/ other medical masks including N-95:
Surgical or N-95 masks should not be worn more than once. They are made for single use only.
These masks can be sterilized in hospitals or other specialized institutions. But these special processes are beyond the reach of common people, so we should not use surgical or N95 masks more than once.
To put it simply, cloth masks are not as safe as surgical or medical masks, but if used properly, they are very effective against the corona virus. Although surgical masks cannot be used more than once, cloth masks can be used more than once, but after each use they must be washed well with soapy water and dried in the strong sun. So it is wise to always keep an extra mask with you.
Initially, surgical gauze was used around the nose and mouth. The following year, scientist Hubner reported that the thicker the gauze, the better. And that’s by using it onc We know masks because of Corona, but the history of masks is very old. In 1897, French surgeon Paul Berger used the first mask. Because it seemed to him that the germs that come out of the mouth through droplets even while talking, alone are a hundred to poison the operation wound.
Initially, surgical gauze was used around the nose and mouth. The following year, scientist Hubner reported that the thicker the gauze, the better. And throw it away after using it once. After that gradually the requirements and types of masks started to change.
The evolution of the mask.
• In 1899, the topic of using masks to prevent tuberculosis came up. In 1905, scientist Hamilton said that Streptococcus spread through invisible spit or droplets. He said that scarlet fever is also spread by droplets. So nurses should wear masks.In 1918, Dr. Weaver said, there is no substitute for masks to prevent diphtheria. The mask should be changed if it gets wet. And you can’t touch your nose and mouth without washing your hands.
• Masks became universal during the year of the Spanish flu. Because at that time everyone knew about its necessity to prevent flu.
• In 2013, researchers proved that if flu patients and those close to them all wear masks, the risk of spreading the disease is reduced by 60-80 percent. It is known that if there is a fever-sneeze-cough or just a sneeze-cold, there is an atmosphere of the virus around the patient, whether it is coughing or not.
All the diseases spread through sneezing and talking, whether it is TB or common cold, corona or common flu, the answer is written inside the mask. Masks prevent environmental pollution damage. Pollen allergy, dust allergy, risk of damage due to secondhand smoke. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of danger is greatly reduced by wearing a simple three-layer mask made at home. They can block the virus by 50 percent.
Be careful before using any mask on the market.
When a mask is needed, when not.
After the outbreak of Covid-19, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that besides washing hands frequently and maintaining a social distance of 6 feet, everyone should also wear a mask when stepping outside the house. You will get at least 70-80 percent protection. And if everyone around wears a mask and maintains a distance of 6 feet, the level of protection will increase by leaps and bounds.
Which mask, how much protection.
According to the World Health Organization, where social distancing cannot be maintained, triple-layer masks should be worn instead of cloth masks, especially for those over 60 or with co-morbidities. The outer layer of the mask will be made of polyester material, the middle layer will be made of non-woven polypropylene material and the inner layer will be cotton. If you wear such a mask, you will get 90 percent protection. So much protection in trilayer disposable surgical masks. However, it should be removed daily. A single layer surgical mask provides about 90 percent protection when worn twice. But the advantage of the cloth mask is that it can be used again after four days after coming home and washing it well with soap and drying it in the sun.
Ordinary people do not need to wear N-95 masks. Because if worn the right way, i.e. with the pull band tied and the bridge of the nose pressed, N-95 is very difficult to wear for long. As you have to wear it tight, you get short of breath in 10-15 minutes. After going out, the ear gets tight and painful. Itchy nose. Glasses get blurry. As a result, it has to be fixed repeatedly by hand. Which is more dangerous. Maybe you feel so protected by wearing an expensive mask that you don’t pay attention to the sneezing and coughing of people around you or assume that there is no need to wash your hands. Danger can come from there. However, it is important to wear this mask when serving or treating patients. It provides approximately 90-95 percent protection.
When to wear a mask, when not to.
• Must wear when going out. He went to the market, what office. People will come to the house.
• No need to wear when going out for a walk on an empty street. But keep it with you. If someone comes to talk, take it later.
• There is no need to wear it all the time if the office has a separate room. But if someone enters, it must be worn.
• Do not exercise while wearing a mask. Due to the lack of oxygen in the body, the head can become dizzy. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic lung disease such as COPD, asthma or ILD can cause major problems.
• Children with asthma or congenital heart disease should consult a doctor before wearing a mask.
• It is better not to drive while wearing an N-95 mask. May lack oxygen. Driving can also be difficult if the glasses become cloudy. So there is no need to wear a mask when riding a bicycle or motorcycle on an empty road. However, as it is being said now, Corona can be airborne, if it really is, you should wear a mask even while riding a bike or bicycle.The use of face shields has also increased along with masks.
Before and after wearing the mask.
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before wearing the mask.
• Squeeze so that the nose and mouth are tightly inside the mask.
• Do not use the mask upside down.
• Do not wear masks used by others.
• Do not put your hands in front of the mask. Don’t slow down when talking. If you have to shake hands for any reason, wash your hands first. Wash your hands after washing.
• Do not use disposable masks more than once.
• When opening the mask, open the back strap first. Do not touch the nose-mouth area. If disposable, open and dispose of in a covered bin, wash hands and dry.
Masks are essential.
It is true that the World Health Organization did not put much emphasis on wearing masks early in the pandemic. Health workers did not get masks. The World Health Organization(WHO) also had no specific studies on the effectiveness of masks. Telling everyone to wear masks could have created a false sense of security. They were a little worried about this.
With their advice and guidance, we determined the method of research on the use of masks in Bangladesh.
Is it possible to determine any relationship between the habit of using masks and the rate of corona infection?
At the beginning of the study, we analyzed that the infection rate was relatively lower in countries that had a higher prevalence of mask use. East Asian countries such as South Korea, Japan. And in some countries, after making the use of masks mandatory, the rate of infection has decreased. But it is not possible to say for sure. Along with the use of masks, the practice of social distancing may also increase. There was no conclusive data on which factor played a major role in controlling infection. In this situation, Bangladesh was chosen for the study.
It is not correct to assume that infections and deaths are less among poor people and in slum areas.
1/18th of the cost to ensure mask use compared to losses in lockdown.
Surgical masks are up to 95 percent effective.
Vaccination is the most effective solution. But getting everyone covered is time-consuming.
In a populous country like Bangladesh, there are various ambiguities regarding the corona infection situation. Many people believe that the infection and death rate of corona is lower among poor people and slum areas.
The matter is really unclear. India also had this ambiguity for a long time. The country has some data beyond government statistics to gauge the situation. For example, about 27,000 people die a day in normal times in India. According to the government, about 4,000 people will die due to corona in a day. But one thing to note is that cremation business in India has increased four times compared to normal times. If death due to Corona is like 4000 then there is no reason for business to increase so much. So the official data on low infection and mortality is not all. Even three months ago, it was being said by the Indian government that Corona has come under control. But now it appears that this is not the case. Therefore, infection and death are low among poor people and in slum areas. It is not right to have such an idea. Proclaiming infection control is also a form of immaturity. In fact, we still don’t know how complicated it is. In this situation, the issue of universal mask use has come up. It goes without saying that masks must be used. Everyone should go door to door with masks. This requires concerted action.
It is not possible for me to know whether there are deaths outside the official data. But we can say that we have conquered Corona, it would be wrong to say this in advance. In no way should the situation be underestimated. So I would like to emphasize on making sure to wear masks. It can save many lives at low cost.
Yes, 95 percent of people say they are using masks. To verify this information, we tried to find out whether people around them are wearing masks or not. As a result of this verification, our mask usage rate has come down to 80 percent. After that, we sent workers to 1,800 villages, markets and roads in the country for an hour to monitor the situation. It was found that about 30 percent of people use masks. After that, using intensive observation techniques, I confirmed that the rate of correct use of masks is only 12 to 13 percent. Then we decide our research method. The research was conducted for 10 weeks on 3500 thousand people in 600 villages of the country. We use high-quality scientific methods (controlled trials) to conduct these studies, much like vaccine trials. In our study, we try to use 20 strategies to develop the habit of wearing masks regularly. Four of these strategies are more effective.
There were, which when applied in concert, yielded good results.
What were the four strategies?
We call the combined application of all four strategies the norm (NORM). These include free door-to-door distribution of masks; Broadcasting of video messages by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, cricketer Shakib Al Hasan and director of National Imam Academy to explain the importance of wearing masks and highlighting the recommendations of the World Health Organization; Highlighting the necessity of wearing masks among the worshipers in mosques on Friday, the holy day of Juma. By applying these techniques together, it was found that the rate of mask wearing increased by 10 to 12 percent. Next we add another trick. Standing at the crossroads, our staff started reminding people to wear masks. If someone did not wear a mask, he was sincerely told, ‘Everyone in the village has been given a mask, why didn’t you wear it?’ At the same time, health risks are also reported. If you don’t have a mask, bring it from home. If the house is far away, giving him another mask – this is how he tries to develop a habit. It showed that the rate of wearing masks has increased by 45 percent. We did not intervene for the last three weeks of the total 10-week study. Even then, I saw that the rate of wearing masks has increased to 45 percent.
You say in the research that wearing a mask saves people’s lives. An economic value has also been found out.
According to a study by macroeconomists in the United States and India, the amount of economic activity that stops during the lockdown is equal to 10 percent of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). On the other hand, compared to that loss in lockdown, 1/18th is spent on ensuring the use of masks. This model of mask use is now being used in Gujarat, India. Similar projects have been launched in Dhaka North City Corporation area, Lahore in Pakistan and Montevideo in Uruguay. BRAC and CSO Alliance have started this work in 38 districts of the country.
Was there anything special about the masks used by the people in your study?
After that, samples are taken from them and specially designed masks are made. These masks were tested in a controlled way at Stanford University and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai. It can be seen that the effectiveness of surgical masks is up to 95 percent. And even after 20 washes, its effectiveness remains 75 to 80 percent. On the other hand, the effectiveness of cloth masks is about 40 percent.
Your research shows that mask use leads to social distancing habits.
Studies have shown that social distancing compliance rate increases up to 29 percent if the habit of using masks is developed in a coordinated way. It is 6 percent more than other areas. Basically, due to regular surveillance and observation, the habit of social distancing is developed from the awareness created among people.
What is the main message of your research on the question of life and livelihood?
We will not save lives, we will save livelihood – this debate has been going on for a long time. Now, it turns out, there is actually a false contradiction in this debate. See, there is no need for lockdown if you can ensure hygiene including wearing masks. It also saves a living.
Why do you think people will use the results of your research?
Good results are being obtained in different countries. Various messages are given and initiatives are taken to reduce the infection in the country. But we have to rely on scientific data. So we hope this model will be used in Bangladesh as well.
Vietnam’s success so far in controlling the corona infection has been praised around the world. Economically, Bangladesh is close to Vietnam. But why is there so much difference in the success of corona management between the two countries?
In fact, the work of Vietnam and Taiwan in controlling Corona has attracted a lot of attention. Some African countries have also done well due to the experience of the Ebola epidemic. The use of technology and innovation in infection control in Bangladesh has increased more than ever before. But looking at South Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan, we are technologically behind.
In the current situation of corona in the country, it is necessary to increase attention in some areas?
It is important to pay attention to three areas. Non-pharmaceutical initiatives—which would include emphasizing concerted initiatives on hygiene, including wearing masks. The remaining two issues are increased surveillance in the health sector and mass vaccination. Vaccination is the most effective solution. But getting everyone covered is time-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize on following hygiene rules including wearing a mask.
However, at first Hu walked the opposite way with a mask. They then said that masks increase the risk of infection. It will work even if there is no mask in the empty space. It was even said that wearing a mask continuously can cause various respiratory problems. There is no need to increase the cost by using masks unnecessarily. Only those with respiratory problems, those in critical condition with Covid and those who are health workers should wear masks. Such orders were issued on January 29, 2020. At that time, many doctors did not understand the matter. Meanwhile, those who are talking about the need for masks to prevent infection do not have any necessary instructions for the general public. On April 7, 2020, the World Health Organization also said that if basic hygiene practices such as social distancing and frequent hand washing are not followed, There is no requirement to wear a mask. As WHO scientist and advisor David Hayman said, ‘Masks are recommended for the protection of others, not oneself. It is true to follow all the rules of one’s health.
Again, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of America, did not accept this idea at all. They repeatedly said that masks are a must wherever you go. Mask should be worn when going out of the house. Because social distancing is not always possible. Again, in a press conference organized by the World Health Organization on June 3 of the same year, Michael Ryan, an infectious disease specialist, said, ‘Masks must be worn to prevent the transmission of Covid’. Another member of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, ‘There is no use in using masks properly without following social hygiene rules. Just wearing a mask is no use. The guidelines even stated that there is no requirement for children to wear masks up to the age of five.
At the very end of 2020, the World Health Organization issued new guidelines. It says that every person should wear a surgical mask. However, those who do not wear surgical masks should wear a three-layered mask. Even home-made three-ply cloth masks are accepted. Children can also wear this cloth mask if necessary, it is said. But the World Health Organization has changed its view since the delta grew. Rather, those who have received two doses of Covid are also advised to wear masks.
Disclaimer: This report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a drug or treatment. Consult your doctor for detailed information.
The importance of masks.
Human-to-human transmission is the most talked about deadly disease coronavirus worldwide. There are very few examples in the history of civilization where a disease has spread so rapidly. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, one in 10 people in the world is already infected with the coronavirus. In Bangladesh, the recovery rate is 76.64 percent and the death rate is 1.45 percent. Bangladesh is 15th in terms of detection and 29th in number of deaths.
Although statistics show that the health rate in Bangladesh is higher than in other countries. Death rate is low. However, in a country with a huge population, people bumping into each other is inevitable once they are out on the streets. Stomach is a big liability. The risk of infection remains. Also there is a lot of unnecessary movement. There has been an increase in small events, visiting relatives’ houses. Buses or other vehicles are transporting passengers in piles. People are shopping in the bazaar. Chatting in the restaurant. It can be seen that most people are not wearing face masks.
The official warning is, ‘You must use a mask when going out of the house to prevent corona virus infection.’ The World Health Organization has been repeatedly saying, ‘If you wear a mask, you can get protection from the droplets of ‘germs’. Scientists are also claiming, ‘Corona virus also spreads through air.’ So the use of masks is more important. But it seems that no one listens to these words.
Masks are essential when stepping outside: At present, almost 40 percent of corona patients are asymptomatic. Even if the virus settles in their body, the symptoms of the disease do not appear. The problem is, they can spread the disease to others. It is also difficult to identify them because there are no symptoms. You can not even understand, the front man is asymptomatic or not! To solve this problem, it is important to use a mask when stepping outside the house. Recent studies have revealed that there is no substitute for masks to fight against Corona. If you go out without a mask, the possibility of getting infected with corona increases to a large extent.
Fear of the police spit mask:
If the police caught! If someone speaks harshly on the street! In Bangladesh everyone is keeping masks with them because of this fear. Yes, ‘keeping up’ is better. Because now when you go out on the street, you can see that almost everyone has a mask. But many people have it hanging in their mouths. Sometimes next to the ear. Sometimes again under the nose. Mask in someone’s pocket. Someone’s mask is seen open from one side. Drizzle from the ears. But the first condition of using a mask is that the nose and mouth must be covered. It is enough to fulfill this condition. If the nose and mouth are not covered, wearing a mask can lead to self-indulgence. But it will not bring any benefits. If you go to the market, you can understand that there is nothing to say about Corona. Many people are shopping without masks. Rather, those who are wearing masks are facing some criticism. This trend is very dangerous in terms of public health. And so, as long as you are outside the house, the mask will be on the nose and face. Not in pocket or muzzle.Mask why: Mask is one of the ways to save from Corona. During talking, sneezing, coughing, several drops of liquid come out from the mouth and nose. These liquid droplets are called droplets. The problem is, the virus is in the droplets of a corona patient.
When an infected person talks, sneezes or coughs, droplets are released. Which can stay in air for 3-4 hours. If that droplet enters the body through the nose, mouth, eyes of a healthy person, it is dangerous! Then the coronavirus enters the body of a healthy person. The man was infected with corona. But wearing a mask increases the chances of being protected from micro-droplets. Masks are therefore one of the accessories to prevent viruses. If the infected person wears the mask properly, the mask will block the droplets coming out of his nose and mouth. This mask acts as a protection for healthy people who come close to the infected person. On the other hand, if a healthy person wears a mask, the droplets from the nose and mouth of a corona patient cannot suddenly enter his body. The risk of infection is also reduced several times. It is now also known that an infected person can spread the virus even before symptoms appear. So if you wear a mask you cannot infect anyone easily. He will also fail to spread the infection in your body.
Can masks prevent viruses:
Researchers emphatically say, ‘Yes, they can.’ In most cases it can. However, I want to follow the rest of the protocol. According to the World Health Organization, there are ‘three important recommendations that the world should follow. One of them is wearing a mask. The other two are social, physical distancing and regular hand washing or use of appropriate sanitizers.’ A recent Lancet study revealed, ‘Wearing a mask, protecting the eyes and maintaining proper physical distance can reduce the rate of corona infection.’ In China, 80 percent of people still go out wearing masks. The sense of discipline, self-restraint, and discipline of the people everywhere in China, even everywhere, are exemplary. Police batons, pawns, You can’t teach that by pushing. On the other hand, among the first five countries that are ahead in terms of wearing face masks, the second wave or second wave of Corona has started only in Spain. 92 percent of Singaporeans are using masks regularly. Spain 90, Thailand 88, Hong Kong 86, Japan 86 percent use masks.
Mask means medicine:
When a certain amount of corona virus enters a person’s body, that person becomes infected. Not before that. Right now everyone needs to understand that masks are a medicine, a vaccine that can prevent corona if used properly. If you wear a mask covering your nose and mouth, you can protect yourself from the virus, as well as avoid the crime of infecting others. Even if a healthy person goes near a corona infected person while wearing a mask, the amount of virus that can enter the body of a healthy person does not have the ability to overcome that person in most cases. Rather, various research institutes are of the opinion that the immune system that is created in the body as a result of entering the smallest virus through the mask, works almost like a vaccine later. So walking without a mask is suicide.
Distance may not always be acceptable for some reason. The only means of survival are eyes, nose, Cover your face. If faced with this, the mask will save. Wearing a mask means protecting yourself and not spreading the disease.
Wearing a mask is not a joke:
Masks have become a part of daily life during Corona. Masks should not be tampered with in this critical situation. Otherwise the consequences will be dire. The number of seriously ill patients may increase in the coming winter. The health system could be under immense pressure. Health workers are tired of fighting continuously since the beginning of Corona. It will be difficult to win battles with wounded warriors when the number of patients suddenly skyrockets. Therefore, every citizen of the country must consciously go out and wear a mask to avoid this crisis. Just because I am in my own neighborhood, I will not be infected, but that is not the case. So you have to wear a mask even if you hang out in the neighborhood. In addition, physical distance must be observed in the atmosphere of the chat. Wearing a mask yourself provides protection. However, if the person in front is wearing a mask, the protection zone is stronger. So wear the mask yourself. Encourage others to wear it.
No mask, no service:
The second round of infections has come back strongly worldwide after the first round of coronavirus has not been overcome. At the moment, Bangladesh is trying to get back to the rhythm after handling the initial shock of Corona. Experts are warning of the second round of infection. If the weather is a little colder, the infection of the coronavirus will be more. If so, the virus will increase in our country during winter. If the second wave comes in winter, then the atonement will be dire.
Meanwhile, the vaccine hero Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government has advised the public to be cautious about the ‘second wave’ of the coronavirus and has also determined what to do. He has given strict instructions to ensure that everyone wears masks. ‘No mask, no service’ means no one can enter any public or private office without a mask and will not get any service.
Until the vaccine is coming;
Until then, masks are very important. Until a vaccine is available, prevention requires military-like discipline from now on. As a precaution wear gloves and mask, wash hands frequently. Maintaining a social distance of at least six feet. Don’t go in front of people without a mask or those who talk loudly. Avoid crowding in vehicles and markets everywhere. Do not touch tongue or lips with fingers while counting money or paper. Keep body including hair covered as much as possible. Washing all clothes after coming home from outside. Daily tasks such as not touching anything in the house without washing hands and face have become essential now. There is still a lack of effective drugs for Corona. In this situation, only personal awareness can prevent corona.
Mask price in international market.
The Ministry of Health has bought surgical masks at an unusual price under a project to control corona infection. Even these masks are bought at a higher price than N-95 masks.
0.50 Dollar per mask.
These masks have been purchased under the ‘Covid-19 Emergency Response and Pandemic Preparedness’ project. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is implementing this project with the support of World Bank.
The government took up this project on an emergency basis in April when the corona infection started in the country in March last year .
According to sources in the Ministry of Health, the parliamentary committee related to the Ministry of Health wanted to know how much masks the Ministry of Health bought during the Corona virus. As can be seen, since the start of corona infection till June 7, the Ministry of Health has purchased three types of masks (Surgical, N-95, KN-95) at a cost of 266 crore 17 lakh 24 thousand taka through the Central Dispensary (CMSD). On the other hand, under that project, 39 crore 9 lakh 22 thousand 333 rupees were spent to buy these three types of masks in the financial year 2019-20.
According to that project, a total of 1 lakh 7 thousand 400 surgical masks were purchased. It costs 3 crore 83 lakh 37 thousand 493 taka. That is, the price of each mask has fallen to 356 taka 96 paisa. At the same time, 1 crore 7 lakh 20 thousand surgical masks were purchased through CMSD. 23 crore 28 lakh 34 thousand taka has been spent. The price of each CMSD mask has fallen to 0.21 Dollar.
Apart from this, 5 lakh 29 thousand 620 N-95 masks were purchased under that project. The average price of each is 293 taka 77 paisa. And 4 lakh 60 thousand KN-95 masks have been purchased. The average price of each has fallen to 428 rupees.
Azizur Rahman Siddiqui, director of the Covid-19 Emergency Response and Pandemic Preparedness Project , told Prothom Alo that he took over as the director of this project last November when asked about the unusual price of surgical masks. These are basically bought before that. As a result, he is not able to tell in detail what was the context at that time. He gave the account of the mask to the parliamentary committee. He said, if the authorities say so, they will investigate the matter.
parliamentary committee. He said, if the authorities say so, they will investigate the matter.
The government has been providing health protection materials such as PPE, masks, gloves, hand sanitizers etc. to the doctors and health workers during the Corona period. CMSD mainly collects and distributes these materials. Besides, these materials are being purchased and distributed through that project. In June last year, questions were also raised about the quality of PPE purchased through the scheme.
Last year, at the beginning of the Corona epidemic, during the distribution of these materials, there were complaints of low-quality masks made in the country in the name of N-95 masks. After the publication of the report in Prothom Alo , the investigation committee found the truth by investigating the incident. The case is ongoing in that case.
Since the start of the corona infection, there have been various allegations of corruption in various purchases of the Ministry of Health. Last November, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) said the Health Department had violated the Government Procurement Rules 2008 by taking advantage of the emergency situation. In many cases procurement was done on verbal order and no procurement was done through e-GP medium.
The price of masks in the country is 1750 rupees!
Due to the fear of corona virus, the price of face mask has suddenly increased. Everyone across the country is now using masks as conscious citizens. Although the price of masks normally starts from 10 taka to 150 taka, now the price of one mask has gone up to 1750 taka.Masks are sold on the streets, sidewalks, online shops, but there is a crisis in pharmacies. Due to this, a syndicate has increased the price of masks.
Most of the pharmacies and surgical stores in the capital have stopped supplying masks for more than a week. Facemasks that are available in the two pharmacies are also being sold at four to five times the price. Low-quality masks are available in some mobile shops on the sidewalks, but they are also priced several times higher.
In some pharmacies, the price of mask is available up to 1 Dollar. But it is being sold online at a higher price. Masks usually come to Bangladesh from China or Japan. However, several online shops are carrying some Xiaomi brand masks from China, which are selling for Rs 350 to Rs 1750.
In the pharmacy, the price of a relatively advanced (disposable non-woven fabric) mask is from 0.10 to 0.25 Dollar. Cotton masks are being sold at 1.20 Dollar, sponge anti dust masks are being bought at 0.50 Dollar.
However, customers have to buy N-95 (8210) mask 2.50 Dollar, N-95 (8110S) 1.80 Dollar, PM-2.5 mouth mask 1.20 Dollar.
The price of the Xiaomi brand masks being brought from China is respectively Airpop three-sixty degree anti fog mask 3.50 Dollar, smartly filter mask 4.50 Dollar, Xiaomi PM-2.5 light weight mask is selling for 17.50 Dollar.
Speaking to the proprietors of various online shops, it is known that the masks available in the market or on the sidewalk are not advanced. In addition, Xiaomi’s masks are more stylish and effective in filtering air than the masks available in the pharmacy. They are also in high demand among customers.
Suman, a seller at Shahbagh Medical Corner, said that the price of a box of 50 pieces is now Rs 500. Earlier, a box was 70 taka. Filter Mask 70 Tk. Which was Rs 35 earlier. That is, double is also double. Supply stopped for last 15 days.
Meanwhile, some low-quality masks can be seen in mobile shops on various sidewalks of the capital, but their prices are several times higher.
Each surgical mask costs five rupees to buy at the pharmacy.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the country’s largest wholesale mask market sits under the Babubazar Bridge from six in the morning every day. Not just surgical; Colorful masks with KN-95, N-95 are available here.
Itinerants and retailers of Dhaka and surrounding areas buy masks, gloves and hair caps at wholesale rates from this market. Masks worth about 25 to 30 lakh rupees are sold here every day.
Demand for masks increased after the country’s first confirmed case of coronavirus last year. There is a shortage of masks in pharmacies. At that time, each surgical mask was sold for 0.15 to 0.20 Dollar, KN-95 mask for 2.50 to 3.00 Dollar and N-95 mask for 10.00 Dollar.
Masks are being made in the country to meet the demand of masks. Little by little, a big mask market was built under the Babubazar bridge. Now hundreds of traders sit here with masks. As the day progressed, the temporary mask market was closed.
Mozammel Hossain of Keraniganj runs his family by selling masks. He said that he has been selling masks since before this market was established. But there was no regular supply of masks. Gradually new factories of masks have been built. Now there is no need to worry about his supply of masks.
A local said that this place was once abandoned. No one would come because of the stench of dirt. The market has developed here in Corona. Every day now there are crowds of people.
Demand for masks.
Demand of mask in the market place is always high. After the increase in the number of new cases, the demand and price of masks in the market is increasing. More production in the country. It is also being exported.
Traders say that the demand and price of masks is actually a second wave. The demand for masks in the market had declined in the last few months. The price also dropped. Now again extra. The reason for this is that the number of deaths and cases of corona is increasing in the country. The government has also started a campaign to ensure the use of masks.
The cabinet meeting on November 16 directed the public to wear masks and follow hygiene rules to run mobile courts. Since then, an operation is underway to ensure the wearing of masks in various districts of the country including the capital. Among them, 111 people were fined 18,000 taka for not wearing masks during the operation of Dhaka district administration. Masks are also given to some for free.
Masks are now sold in various clothing brand stores in the country. As seen in Dhanmondi shopping center of fashion brand Yellow, there is a corner selling safety equipment on the right hand side upon entering. Various types of surgical and cloth masks are sold there.
Apart from this, various non-woven fabric masks are priced at 0.2 dollar to 0.3 dollar each, ninja masks 13 to 14 taka, woven cloth masks 0.9 to 0.10 dollar, knitted cloth masks 0.8 to 0.9 dollar and domestically made KN-95 masks 0.15 to 0.20 dollar, N-95 masks imported from abroad are being sold at Tk 3.00 to dollar 3.50 and N-953M masks at Tk 2.80 to dollar 3.50.
Before the start of corona infection, few companies were manufacturing surgical masks in the country.
The manufacturers said that the non-woven fabric of the surgical mask is mainly imported from China. Now a lot of masks are being produced in small factories. Garment manufacturers for the domestic market also started making masks during the Corona crisis.
Global demand for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) gowns and masks has created a huge export potential due to Corona. Apart from a couple of companies, the PPE gowns did not get a good response from others, but the export of masks increased quite a bit. According to BGMEA, an organization of ready-made garment industry owners, masks worth 2.69 million dollars (229 crores) have been exported in these five months from March to July this year. Masks worth 2.7 million dollars (Tk 23 crore) were exported during the same period last year.
Traders said that low quality and fake masks are also being sold in the country’s market. Zakir Hossain, owner of a pharmacy in Mitford area of Babubazar, said that there should be a minimum policy for making and selling masks.
There is no mandatory framework for manufacturing and selling masks in the country. The 181 products on the list of Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) for mandatory quality certification do not have masks.
The popularity of mask.
The ongoing corona epidemic and recently the third wave of corona is omicron alarming situation all over the world. Since the beginning of Corona, the use of masks has become necessary to prevent infection. All the world’s most expensive companies are busy developing advanced masks which are still ongoing. Much research has also been done on the effectiveness of masks.
This time, a mask named ‘Kosk’ from South Korea has been added to a slightly different outfit from the previous masks. ‘Ko’ means nose in Korean. And ‘ko’ with ‘mask’ is ‘kosk’. Some may have understood where the difference is.It only covers the nose. But there is another part inside it. If necessary, that part can be taken off and the face can be covered. Recently this mask has become very popular in South Korea. Hindustan Times reported this information about the Korean media.
Eating and drinking normally while using this mask. Everyone is saying this as the reason for its popularity. However, there is a lot of discussion in the media about this mask. There is a difference of opinion. Some say it covers the nose while eating, which is not possible with other masks. In addition to this, additional protection is provided to some extent, and the face can also be covered as needed. As a result, both works are happening simultaneously. Others say that keeping the nose open while eating is not likely to cause any particular harm. And many are keeping their mouths open almost while using the mask. It’s just business.
On the other hand, the mask is being sold at a huge rate in online welfare, ignoring the differences. It is very popular.
Masks have become one of the elements of half fashion with daily use. One such mask made in South Korea has caught the attention of the world. However, the country named it ‘Kosk’. In South Korea, the word ‘ko’ means nose. The name Kosk has been given in association with the mask. Generally, food cannot be eaten while wearing a mask. To eat, it has to be removed from the mouth. But after kosk only the nose is covered so one can eat and drink normally.
Controversy started as Kosk’s picture spread in the internet world. Some say it’s just fashion. Some say, it is made to attract attention. Even after wearing this mask, the mouth remains open, so many people say that nothing is being done at work.
Some people say that since the mask can be opened to cover the face if necessary. So there is protection to some extent. Many have welcomed this novel idea.
By following the right rules and using masks regularly, the risk of corona infection can be reduced to a large extent. The public is discouraged from using G95 masks outside of hospitals, as they are more suitable for healthcare workers.
Cloth masks, surgical masks and China-made Cough95 masks are very popular among the people of our country. Keeping in mind the low cost and reusability, cloth masks are very convenient for the masses.The use of cloth masks is very fashionable and popular in the outside world as well. But many people have a question, how effective cloth mask is to reduce corona infection or how to use it properly.
Because the size of the coronavirus is so small, cloth masks are thought to offer little protection against airborne infection, but they are capable of blocking respiratory droplets emitted by talking or sneezing.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and regulatory agencies in other countries have recommended the use of cloth masks to reduce the spread of the virus among the public.
The effectiveness of a cloth mask largely depends on the material used to make the mask and how water resistant it is, how the mask is made and its fitting. Research has proven that wearing a tight mask that covers the face, nose and chin well and leaves no gap on either side is more effective in preventing corona.
According to the World Health Organization, multi-layer cloth masks should be used, which are made of breathable thick cloth (such as cotton) and tightly woven (when held against light will not pass through) two layers and filter type cloth (such as polypropylene); There will be an intermediate third layer. A disposable (designed to be thrown away after each use) filter in a pocket inside the mask can also be used instead of an intermediate filter layer.
Care should be taken that cloth masks do not have breathing valves or vents. Researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom have reported that a three-layer cloth mask with a good fit to the face can be as effective as a surgical mask in reducing the spread of corona.
Before touching cloth masks, wash hands thoroughly with sanitizer or soap and check the mask for tears or dirt. Avoid touching the mask unnecessarily while wearing it.
Before opening the mask, wash your hands with soap and hold the ribbon of the mask and remove it away from your face. If the mask is not dirty or wet, it should be stored in a clean plastic bag before reuse.
Always take the mask out of the plastic bag by the strap and wash your hands thoroughly with soap after opening the mask. It is essential to wash the cloth mask thoroughly with soap/detergent and warm water after daily use.
By improving the fit and filtering of the mask, its effectiveness can be maximized, and for this, experts are currently recommending double masking or the use of two masks together, where a cloth mask should be used over a surgical mask, in high-risk situations of corona infection.
For health care workers, corona patients or those who have symptoms of corona and those who are engaged in the care of corona patients, surgical masks and cog95 masks are more useful. People without corona symptoms can use cloth masks in public places to avoid the risk of corona infection.
Fashionable cloth masks of every design are available in the domestic market and online, which can be a source of employment for many at this time. But if the cloth mask is made according to the right material, manufacturing method and size, only then it will be useful to reduce corona infection and quality control is necessary in this regard.
The evolution of the mask.
• In 1899, the topic of using masks to prevent tuberculosis came up. In 1905, scientist Hamilton said that Streptococcus spread through invisible spit or droplets. He said that scarlet fever is also spread by droplets. So nurses should wear masks.
In 1918, Dr. Weaver said, there is no substitute for masks to prevent diphtheria. The mask should be changed if it gets wet. And you can’t touch your nose and mouth without washing your hands.
• Masks became universal during the year of the Spanish flu. Because at that time everyone knew about its necessity to prevent flu.
• In 2013, researchers proved that if flu patients and those close to them all wear masks, the risk of spreading the disease is reduced by 60-80 percent. It is known that if there is a fever-sneeze-cough or just a sneeze-cold, there is an atmosphere of the virus around the patient, whether it is coughing or not.All the diseases spread through sneezing and talking, whether it is TB or common cold, corona or common flu, the answer is written inside the mask. Masks prevent environmental pollution damage. Pollen allergy, dust allergy, risk of damage due to secondhand smoke. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of danger is greatly reduced by wearing a simple three-layer mask made at home. They can block the virus by 50 percent.
After the outbreak of Covid-19, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that besides washing hands frequently and maintaining a social distance of 6 feet, everyone should also wear a mask when stepping outside the house. You will get at least 70-80 percent protection. And if everyone around wears a mask and maintains a distance of 6 feet, the level of protection will increase by leaps and bounds.According to the World Health Organization, where social distancing cannot be maintained, triple-layer masks should be worn instead of cloth masks, especially for those over 60 or with co-morbidities. The outer layer of the mask will be made of polyester material, the middle layer will be made of non-woven polypropylene material and the inner layer will be cotton. If you wear such a mask, you will get 90 percent protection. So much protection in trilayer disposable surgical masks. However, it should be removed daily. A single layer surgical mask provides about 90 percent protection when worn twice. But the advantage of the cloth mask is that it can be used again after four days after coming home and washing it well with soap and drying it in the sun.
Ordinary people do not need to wear N-95 masks. Because if worn the right way, i.e. with the pull band tied and the bridge of the nose pressed, N-95 is very difficult to wear for long. As you have to wear it tight, you get short of breath in 10-15 minutes. After going out, the ear gets tight and painful. Itchy nose. Glasses get blurry. As a result, it has to be fixed repeatedly by hand. Which is more dangerous. Maybe you feel so protected by wearing an expensive mask that you don’t pay attention to the sneezing and coughing of people around you or assume that there is no need to wash your hands. Danger can come from there. However, it is important to wear this mask when serving or treating patients. It provides approximately 90-95 percent protection.
When to wear a mask, when not to?
• Must wear when going out. He went to the market, what office. People will come to the house.
• No need to wear when going out for a walk on an empty street. But keep it with you. If someone comes to talk, take it later.
• There is no need to wear it all the time if the office has a separate room. But if someone enters, it must be worn.
• Do not exercise while wearing a mask. Due to the lack of oxygen in the body, the head can become dizzy. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic lung disease such as COPD, asthma or ILD can cause major problems.
• Children with asthma or congenital heart disease should consult a doctor before wearing a mask.
• It is better not to drive while wearing an N-95 mask. May lack oxygen. Driving can also be difficult if the glasses become cloudy. So there is no need to wear a mask when riding a bicycle or motorcycle on an empty road. However, as it is being said now, Corona can be airborne, if it really is, you should wear a mask even while riding a bike or bicycle.
Before and after wearing the mask.
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before wearing the mask.
• Squeeze so that the nose and mouth are tightly inside the mask.
• Do not use the mask upside down.
• Do not wear masks used by others.
• Do not put your hands in front of the mask. Don’t slow down when talking. If you have to shake hands for any reason, wash your hands first. Wash your hands after washing.
• Do not use disposable masks more than once.
• When opening the mask, open the back strap first. Do not touch the nose-mouth area. If disposable, open and dispose of in a covered bin, wash hands and dry.
We know masks because of Corona, but the history of masks is very old. In 1897, French surgeon Paul Berger used the first mask. Because it seemed to him that the germs that come out of the mouth through droplets even while talking, alone are a hundred to poison the operation wound.
Initially, surgical gauze was used around the nose and mouth. The following year, scientist Hubner reported that the thicker the gauze, the better. And throw it away after using it once. After that gradually the requirements and types of masks started to change.
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